2nd Year, Amanda's Sorting

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I soon got my acceptance letter and loans for my supplies. Armin gave me his books to save money, which I didn't mind much. He had lots of notes to make my life easier and they were still in good shape. Once Armin received his loan, we set off for Diagon Alley to prepare for the year. We got my wand first. It was made of Walnut wood, Dragon heartstring core, and 12 1/2 inches. While I was being tested for my wand, Armin looked at The Philosophy of Wands book and bought it when I was done.

After we got my potion supplies, we stopped by the pet shop. I looked around at the cats, but none seemed to like me much.

"I don't want an owl. It's too much of a hassle," I said to Armin as I pulled my hand away from a cat held by an employee that was about to claw me.

"What about this one?" A boy with blonde hair and freckles holding a calico cat pointed to a silver one. He was next to a worker and I approached them.

"It is very pretty. Girl or boy?" I asked.

"She's a girl," The worker replied and held her for me to pet her. For once, it didn't try to scratch me.

"How much is it?" Armin asked.

"10 galleons." The worker passed her to me.

"Oh, that's affordable, right?" I asked and looked at Armin.

"I suppose, but it'll be your responsibility to take care of it," He replied.

"Are you starting this year?" The freckled boy asked. I looked back at him and pushed my glasses up my nose.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

"Wow, you're being friendly! You're very impressive, young man. She's usually as warm as a block of ice," Armin said with very obvious exaggeration.

"Armin! I'm not that mean," I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Well, I trust you enough to stay alive on your own here. I'll be getting my books. Don't leave this shop until I get back, okay?" He said.



I left to the bookshop with my list of textbooks for this year. Again with my mum's trunk, I went into the second-hand section once again so I had less to pay off. As I piled the books into my trunk, I heard a familiar, cold voice.

"What's the matter, Arlert? Can't afford new books?" It was Jaeger, wearing a designer summer cloak over his Gryffindor uniform that said Songal on the left side.

"Shut-up, Jaeger. I don't intend to waste my time with you this year," I replied and put one of the textbooks in my trunk.

"How cold," He said. "I guess your frigid house has started to rub on you. Do you even have enough to stay warm? Or do you have to cuddle with mummy to survive the nights?"

"Jaeger, leave me alone." I tried my best to leave my wand in my pocket. I wanted to hex him so badly.

"Eren," His sister came in. "We're going to the Quidditch Supply store."

"Good. There's a new Firebolt. I hear it's about 700 galleons," He said with his signature smug look. "Probably worth more than your house multiplied." I couldn't even think to reply. I bit on my lip and waited for him to leave. As he was leaving, he still bragged. "Gryffindor hasn't lost a Quidditch championship in centuries. It'd be embarrassing to walk in with a Nimbus 2001."

"I actually think the Nimbus 2001 looks the best..." His sister replied as their voices faded out. When they were finally gone, I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. Or do you need to cuddle with mummy to survive the nights? I missed my mum. The cruel world had to take her from me when I was only 8. I tightened my hand on the handle of the trunk as I thought of her. On the lid, her maiden initials, A. E., were scratched in next to the worn out Ravenclaw emblem. I pulled myself together and went to the desk to pay for my books.

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