(A/N) My Response to J.K. Rowling

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Okay, I was going to make this response with a non-cannon scene of a bunch of trans students rioting and spray painting the walls with the trans flag, but I am currently at a loss for positivity. I am angry. I have ignored R*wl*ng's transphobia in the past, but this time, I am done. I'm making a much needed public response to her.

J.K. Rowling is a disgusting human being and I do not support her.

So you know what? I own Hogwarts now. And at my Hogwarts, you can use whatever bathroom you want. You can wear whatever uniform you want. You can sleep in whatever dormitory you want. And you can go by whatever pronouns you want. No questions asked.

Fuck you, J.K. Rowling. You disgust me.

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