Break the Boundaries

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Following the Quidditch game was the Hogsmeade Weekend. Eren asked me out earlier that month and Connie said he already asked Sasha out again. He seemed more nervous about this date with her and when I asked why, I nearly lost control.

"I'm telling her tonight..." he told me.

I gasped and grabbed his shoulders, "I am so proud of you! You'll be great!"

"I'm bloody scared!"

"You'll be fine! You've thought about it for a while, right?"


"You've got a plan?"

"I do."

"Then you're set! I can't believe you're actually doing this!" I beamed.

He sighed and pulled out his pocket watch, "I better go. I told her I'd meet her at the gate," he said.

"Alright, good luck."


No homo huh? Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Eren. I was waiting for Armin outside of the Ravenclaw tower and my mind was racing. I was thinking back to all the things I'd said to him, and most of them I regretted. I told him No homo as if I was trying to reverse psychology him to start liking me. Then there was all the filth I spat in our first two years up until the forest incident. Calling him poor, bragging about my blood status. The worst one was probably when I said he had to cuddle with his mum to survive the nights. His mum was dead, and though I didn't know at the time, I probably would have still said it because that's how much of a brat I was. And that just made me feel like shit.

The door to the tower opened and I went back to reality.

"Oh, Eren. I didn't expect to see you here," Armin commented as he walked out.

"I wanted to make sure I didn't miss you," I replied. It came out like I was trying to flirt with him, which was the last thing I wanted to do at the time.

"Well, thanks for waiting for me. You haven't been here long, have you?" he asked as he pulled his hair behind his ears with both hands.

"No," I stated. Real smooth, you liar.

"Good, I'm ready when you are."

As we walked through the gates, I noticed that the street was quite crowded so I turned to him and held out my hand. He looked at it confused and I realized what he must have been thinking.

"So I don't lose you," I explained. "You can give me your wrist or-" I stopped when his hand dug into mine.

"I heard there was a tea shop past The Three Broomsticks," he suggested while looking ahead as if us holding hands meant nothing.

"Uh- Yeah, that exists, but it's a place where couples go. People are constantly snogging and it's going to be worse for Valentine's Day," I explained.

"Oh, nevermind then," he replied and looked to the right.

I couldn't help but lament to myself, If only...

"Do you think there's still space in The Three Broomsticks?"

I shrugged, "Maybe."

"Hopefully," he replied and started walking to the building.

We found a spot towards the back of the building and sat down. As usual, we ordered butterbeer and I tried to act natural.

"Sorry about the game," I said to break the silence.

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