Behind His Emerald Eyes

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Connie, Sasha, and I met up at the Great Hall on Sunday at lunch.

"I'm so happy for you two!" I chirped as they sat down.

"So many Hufflepuffs congratulated me when I got back. It was a struggle just to get out of the common room," Sasha replied.

"Come to think of it, it's been a while since all three of us have met up to study. You've been studying a lot with Eren this year," Connie pointed out.

"Oh yeah. I did that on purpose," I said.


"I left you two alone so you could have some quality time while Connie worked up the courage to tell you."

"So you've known since the start of term?" Sasha asked.

"Before that. He told me at King's Cross when we were returning for summer after second year. I've been waiting for you two to start dating. I almost asked you if you liked him."

"You did a good job of hiding it. I wasn't expecting him to ask me last night," she confessed.

"Just don't constantly snog in front of me. I'm okay with you holding hands and pecking each other's cheeks, but don't go too far," I requested.

"Armin, it's barely been 24 hours. We're taking it slow," Connie assured.

"Good decision."


I'll admit, that was a jerk move. I've taught myself to leave arguments before I get angry, but I waited too long with Amanda. I was halfway across the Quidditch field when I heard her shriek. I had to fight back tears myself as I walked back to the dungeons. The next day at breakfast, I sat with my roommates. All but Forster. He sat with French Girl Asírós. I spotted Jade's emerald hair down the table, but I couldn't find Amanda's bright platinum blonde head.

A few minutes later, I saw her walk in from the corner of my eye, followed by Liddle. I assumed he somehow found out about the fight and decided to talk to her.

After breakfast, I was pulled aside by Liddle and he asked if we fought.

"We did. Why do you ask?" I didn't deny anything. I knew I acted like a bloody git.

"Um, I don't think you're aware of how it's affecting her."

"I plan to work things out. I'm fully aware of my part in it," I answered.

"I talked to her."

"I noticed."

"She thinks you hate her," he suddenly blurted.

I blinked and averted my eyes in shock. I expected her to be mad at me. It sounded logical for her to think I was mad at her but, I didn't hate her.

"I don't," I clarified. "I feel quite the opposite, actually..." I mumbled and tilted my head down.

"You should tell her," Liddle advised.

"We're 12. I'm probably just being a hormonal teenager."

"That's not what I meant," he corrected. "Tell her you don't hate her."

"I want to... I have doubts she'll talk to me."

"She wants to, she's just afraid she'll set you off."

"How much did she tell you?"

"All of it," he stated. "You really were an asshat."

I scratched the back of my neck, "That's an understatement..."

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