Chapter 2

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 (Your POV)

 Cleo walked out of her room 10 minutes later and was  stuffing her switch into her back pocket. We walked out of the house and Cleo locked the her door. "So, we're going to see Maria's "Boy-Toy," I believe you called him?" Cleo asked. I nodded. "So," I began. "What makes hime so amazing?" I asked Maria. "Well," Maria began, "He's absolutely gorgeous, he's tye sweetest thing to walk the Earth, and apparently he's a real good fighter." Personally, he sounded like a complete lie, but then again, Cleo thought I was lying when I said I had Satan's Spawn for a sister... But she believed me when she finally spent the night and received the same rude awakening I was ever so delighted  to receive this morning. So, I guess it could be true, I thought.

 "Y/N?" Maria asked. "Yeah?" I responded. "Does this guy sound any good to you?" Maria asked, smirking. My friends (And in this case my sister) weren't ones to hide our feelings. 'You got a crush?' 'Yep'. 'You busy tonight?' 'No, but I don't feel like going out' 'Oh okay, maybe another time'. We were honest with each other. We all had  a problem with liars, but that could just be growing up with Socs that lied their way out of anything and everything.

 "He sounds pretty cool," I answer, "But he also sounds way to good to be true, so I honestly don't know, but aren't we going here for you?"

 (Cleo's POV)

 As soon as Maria asked Y/N that I knew something just wasn't right, because Maria didn't give a damn about Y/N's opinion, not that Y/N cared about Maria's either. 

 I started to think back to about a month ago when Y/N, Maria, our other friend Lucy, and I were playing truth ot dare at our sleepover. When Maria was asked if she had a crush she said she did, and surprisingly, she was actually really serious about him. That's when I started to suspect that Maria's "Boy-Toy" wasn't for her, rather, for Y/N.

 "Cleo? Uh, Earth to Cleo. The Beatles died in a plane crash." Y/N said to me. As soon as I heard The Beatles I was back to reality. "Wait, WHAT?!" I yelled, and stopped walking. "Calm down! Calm down! I was only trying to get your attention! Nothing happened to your bowl-cut quartet." Y/N said. I punched her in the arm, not hard enough to hurt really bad, but not soft enough to not make her arm sting a little. "OW!" Y/N yelped. "Why does everyone beat me up?!" 

(Your POV)

 We finally got to the DX. We walked inside to find a young boy Cleo and I's age. Maria was right though, he was lookin' fine. I could tell he was a greaser by the shine of his hair. He was distracted until Cleo decided now was the prefect time to be a bit aggressive. "Hey, Car Boy, you gettin' paid to sit there and read, or get us some Cokes?" Leave it to Cleo to get someone's attention... I thought.


MHMM SODA DO BE LOOKIN FIIIIIIINE. 😂 I hope that I didn't give you guys any cold cringe today, as I like to say. Comment and/or vote if your enjoying the story, and if you're not, lemme know!  Stay Gold! 💛🌅


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