Chapter 3

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(Third Person)

 "Oh, sorry, I uh, didn't see you there." The boy said. "You wanted some Cokes, right?" He asked shyly. The girls nodded. He got up for a moment and came back with three Cokes. "That'll be a buck fifty." He said quietly as if he didn't want to make the girls pay. 

(Maria's POV)

 I took my Coke and gave him my fifty cents. Cleo and Y/N followed soon after. I noticed when Y/N finally got a good look at 'im. She couldn't look away after seeing if movie star smile and beautiful eyes. He looked over at her soon after and stared just much. He acted like he had never seen something so beautiful. I could tell my plan was coming together when they were lost in each others eyes. I knew exactly how to get Y/N this date, but I needed Cleo's help. Somehow Cleo, although she could be mean and aggressive, was a smooth talker all the way

 "I'll be back, I gotta use the lady's," I say to get away. I kicked Cleo lightly to get her attention. I motioned for her to follow. "Oh! Same here, we'll be back in a second!" Cleo said, quickly following me to the back of the store. 

 "I wanna set Y/N up with Soda." I said as soon as the door closed. "See! Hah! I knew it! You aren't very good at keeping secrets y'know? You're real lucky Y/N is as observant as a brick wall! So, what's the plan?" Cleo asked excitedly. "I think if leave them alone for a bit they'll honestly fall for each other, but we wanna get them a date not feelings for each other that they can't express." Maria explained to me. "Well you came up with the idea! And also, his name is really Soda? Like... A drink?" Cleo asked. "Yeah..." I said. I knew that his name wasn't exactly the highlight of 'im, but he's a great person so that's something you have to look past. "That's some cool shit! Why couldn't I have a fancy name?" Cleo said. "Well his full name is actually Sodapop." I said. "That's even better!" Cleo borderline shouted. "I like my name and all, but that would be so damn cool," Cleo said. 

"Back to business!" I said in a fake boss type voice. "Okay, so I think when we go back out you should ask Soda if he has a girlfriend. Y'know get him and Y/N in that mindset. Then say something about maybe... I don't know, him hanging out with us and I betcha' he'll say something about how cool that would be, and then ask Y/N if maybe she wanted to go out sometime, leaving us in the dust, just like we want them to." "Do you, like, know Soda somehow 'cuz I don't think a person who's never met a guy would be able to anticipate his answers to something so... Personal." Cleo said. "Yeah I know him, we had actually had quite a few classes together, and he is the sweetest a guy can get. A true romantic if I do say so myself. Which I do." I said to Cleo. "Alrighty then! Let's get out there and get Y/N some!" We walked out of the bathroom to find them talking a bit and I knew this plan was gonna work.


Sorry for the long wait! Jk, you didn't have to wait long, because I ain't got no life!

I hope your enjoying the story and are excited for chapter four! I'm sorry I didn't make the chapter longer and the same with chapter two, but I only have so much inspiration, you feel? Anyways, I hope I avoided any cringy dialogue and such. I'm really sorry if I didn't. Oh, and if your wondering, I'm doing my best to have this set in the 60's, but considering I wasn't alive then, there's only so much I know. If any dialogue or slang or anything I say they do in this story (like playing truth or dare) definitely wasn't happening in the 60's the let me know because I try to be as accurate as possible. If I'm only off by a few years, then don't worry about it. 

 Stay Gold! 💛🌅


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