Chapter 4

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(Your POV)

 As Cleo and Maria walked out I was sad. I was enjoying talking to Soda. I finally asked his name. Holy shit is it amazing. He said that his father wanted him and his other brother (By the name of Ponyboy) to have original names. His father was an original person. When he said 'was' I had to ask what he meant. He told me what his Mom and Dad had gotten into a car wreck and had died. His older brother Darry, who was 20 took care of him and Ponyboy. I was really sad, especially when he said that he didn't go to school anymore so he could work full time to support the family. When I said how sorry I was he said that it was okay, since he was only passing gym and auto mechanics anyways. I wasn't only sad because he wouldn't get a full education, but I was also sad that I would never see him during school time. We continued talking about ourselves until Maria and Cleo had come out.

 When they walked over, Cleo was on my right and Maria was on my left. "So," Cleo began. "You got yourself a girl?" She asked. I could tell it wasn't right off the top of her head, but she was a smooth talker so if sure sounded like it. "Well uh, no, not really..." Sodapop said.He was obviously heartbroken, and it honestly made my heart want to break.  "I was in a relationship that I was really happy with but uh, she wasn't so happy with it I guess..." Soda trailed off. "Well you can hang out with us anytime you'd like." Cleo said. "Well, thanks." Soda said. He wasn't as sad now, more like, surprised. Surprised that people (More like girls) who came in didn't just care about making out with him, that they actually were willing to have him as a friend. He was elated that we truly cared about what he had to say, and how he felt.

 "I was actually wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?" Soda said looking at me. I was ecstatic to have him ask me out. He was good-looking and was a great person. I don't think people honestly understand how hard it is to find both. "I'd love to," I said surprisingly calm. I took a small piece of paper from Cleo. How she always had random things like paper, pens, matches, tape, candy, and other random objects boggled me. She didn't even carry a purse so I had no idea where she kept that stuff without it being visible. But nevertheless, it was always helpful. She gave me a pen aswell.

 I scratched down my number and handed the paper back to him. He smiled that same amazing smile back at me. "We have to get going," Maria said, "So we'll see you later Soda. Thanks for the Cokes!" Maria said to him. Cleo stayed behind a bit. I didn't think anything of it though. 

(Cleo's POV)

 I leaned in close to Soda. "You and my friend can date, that's fine. You can kiss, and make-out, and do whatever, but if you hurt her, I. Will. Kill. You. Okay?" I whispered in a passive-aggressive voice. I could tell Soda was slightly scared, that was the point. When I backed away, he was still smiling though. That's one of the things I'm sure Y/N will love that about him.  They seemed perfect for each other. I know he'll do her well. I walked out finally. "Bye Sodapop. I'll see you later, I'm sure." I walked out with a small wave and caught up with my friends.

 We began to walk away. As we finally made it to the sidewalk to walk to The Dingo for lunch I heard the bell on the DX's door ring. I didn't think anything of it until I heard running footsteps. I reached for my switch without batting an eye. I saw a hand on Y/N's shoulder and immediately turned around with my switch out ina fighting stance until I realized it was Soda. I let out a sigh of relief and stuffed my switch away. "I uh, I never caught your name," Soda said to Y/N. I saw a mischievous look in Y/N's eyes. "That's because I didn't thow it." Y/N said without hesitation. Soda was taken aback by her sass as we walked away. I turned around to see if that ruined her chance, but found Soda dreamily staring at the back of Y/N's head. I smirked. These two were definitely made for each other.

 "Wait, are you seriously not telling him your name?" I asked. "He'll figure it out..." Y/N said mischievously.

(Back at the DX - Soda's POV)

 As I walked back into the DX I took out the slip of paper she handed me with her number on it. I was definitely excited about going out with her. I started fiddeling with the paper. Folding and unfolding, doodling on the corners and then erasing it, until I flipped the paper over. In the same writing as the number I saw 'Y/N'. I smiled. I started doodling Y/N Curtis in numerous different 'fonts'. I was about to finish around my tenth when I jumped at Steve's voice. "Soda!" He hollered at me from outside where he was working on a car. I picked up the paper and pencil and sat it back down on the counter. I walked outside. "Hey, can you hand me that wrench?" I handed him the wrench and sat back down. "So, I heard you talking to some girls." He said. I could hear him smirking from under the car. "Yeah, she's absolutely amazing, and gorgeous, and perfect-" I countinued to ramble to Steve until he was done with the car. 

"Great, man. I'm happy for ya." Steve said getting out from under the car. I was happy for me to.


So, I think I'm getting slightly better... Maybe it's just me. I tried to make this longer but like I said, I don't exactly have inspiration so I write what I can. I am planning on making a sequel of the actul date. Once I start it I will put the title in the description.

  Stay Gold! 💛🌅



The sequel is called:

The Outsiders - The 10 Dates That Made Me Love You - Sodapop x Reader

I Didn't Catch Your Name - Sodapop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now