Private Tutors

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I just created a handful of characters for my own amusement.

Thank you all for giving this story a chance. I absolutely loved THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD and really wanted to write a story surrounding these characters. If you enjoy this story, please check out other stories I've written. Winter Break is coming so hopefully I'll update them more frequently!

"My brothers and sisters, today it is with great sorrow that I call you all here today". Grindelwald paced as his confident gaze fell on the crowd. This time he chose a grand mansion in Madrid. Followers from all over the world came to this rally, but he took great care in summoning this group. The most influential were invited to his wife's memorial. He wanted the world to know what was taken from him. He wanted the entirety of the wizarding world to know what the Ministry of Magic had done. "Today one of the brightest lights in the fight for The Greater Good has been cruelly snuffed out. Many of you had the privilege of seeing and speaking with this purest of souls. My wife, Lady Queenie Grindelwald, has been murdered. Who would do such a horrendous deed? I'll tell you. The Ministry of Magic!" The crowd grumbled and cried out in anger. He waited until the crowd calmed down a little before continuing. "It's true! This battle for the very survival of wizarding kind has changed battlegrounds. I had sent my family to a safe house hoping that they would find sanctuary outside the war. But the Ministry knows no bounds! They invaded my home and used the Killing Curse on my wife. She was unarmed and protecting what mattered most to her...her only child. Yes...The Ministry raided my home and indiscriminately cast Unforgiveable Curses on anyone who crossed their path. And they say I'm hateful and violent. No, my brothers and sisters, it is not I. It's time we take this battle farther than we have before! Now is the time to act!  Go, my friends! Go and spread the truth!"

As quickly as they came, the crowd Disapparated out of the mansion. Some took a moment to greet him and offer their condolences. Some even inquired about the child and offered their services. He graciously thanked them for their concerns but he knew none of these acolytes were worthy of such a task. He knew that he needed to act soon if he was going to ensure Gloria's future. After the last follower left, he quickly Disapparated back to Nurmengard where he heard his daughter's laughter once more. After Queenie's funeral, Gloria spent most of her time hidden away with only Aurelius as her companion. It seemed that the shy boy had a way with smaller children. He loved having his daughter close to him once more, but he knew that it wasn't safe for her. He still needed to find the traitorous serpent who betrayed his trust and caused his wife's untimely death. Until that coward was found, Gloria was still at risk.

"Papa!" Gloria squealed. She let go of Aurelius' hand and skipped into her father's embrace.

"Hello, my treasure!" he gave her a peck on the cheek and set her down. "Have you been behaving for Aurelius?

She nodded eagerly. "I got to play with Aurelius' phoenix! He's so pretty!"

"Indeed he is!" Grindelwald smiled. "Come, I've got something very important to tell you."

"Can we have hot chocolate?"

"Whatever you desire, my little love." he reached for her hand and guided her to his study. He hoped that he wouldn't have a hard time explaining where Gloria was being sent next.


He was surprised at the reaction he received when he told his daughter that she was being sent to another secret location. He expected an ocean of tears and thunderous screaming but instead his brave little girl tried her hardest to control herself. Her cheeks turned red and she found hard to keep her tears from falling as she stared at her shoes. Suddenly the hot chocolate didn't seem so appetizing. He gently raised her chin forcing her to look at him.

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