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Im sitting with Dark at a park table a few blocks away from the house, eating frozen yoghurt.
"Whats been on you're mind lately Mark." Dark asked.
"Just some things, some things I want." I said taking a bite of my food.
"What do you want, I can give you many things."
I chuckled and looked up at him.
"Its fine, I have what I wanted already."
Dark tilted his head taking a bite of his cookie dough yogurt.
"What is it?"
"Nothing." I looked over at some ducks walking.
Im to scared to tell him, mostly cause I caused it, what if he gets mad?
Its a beautiful day today, the smoke from the fires has cleared up and the sun is shining, those ducks are so cute when they waddle.
I looked at Dark and smiled, I feel a bit guilty about what I did, but it doesn't stop me from being happy, if Dark did get mad about it I know he would get over it quickly.
"I love you Dark."
"I love you to."
He smiled at me.
What would Leila think about this? I feel like she would be happy about it.
I put my left arm on my left thigh and sighed a bit.
"Ready to go?"
"Yes." I said.
Dark helped me up and we walked to the car,
we got in and he started driving to the house.
Its not that far so we got there quickly, Leila was in her room watching a movie it sounded like. Dark pulled me upstairs and started kissing me, I kissed back of cource, then he got on top of me and started to grind against me. I hate having to push him away from this but I did.
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Im just not feeling it."
Dark stood up and glared at me.
"Whatever you're not telling me you better spit it out."
I blushed from embarrassment, I don't want to tell him yet, but if I don't he'll figuar it out, and I should tell him. Its already been 3 weeks and I haven't told him.
"Dark it's nothing I-"
I grabbed my stomach and ran to the bathroom, I started throwing up black sticky liquid in the sink. Dark came running in the room worried.
"Mark, Mark are you pregnant?!"
Of cource he had to figuar out this way, black liquid only means one thing to a demon.
"Mark why didn't you tell me, how long have you been pregnant for,and how!?"
I looked up at him with a sorry face.
"..I got you drunk and.."
He glared at me.
"Igotyoudrunkanddidntuseprotectiononpurpose!" I blurted out.
(I got you drunk and didn't use protection on purpose)
Dark gave me a why what the fuck face.
"..and 3 weeks."
"You're 3 weeks pregnant, are you serious!?"
He laughed in annoyance and walked back into the room.
"You could of just fucking asked."
I walked back into the room and looked down, I expected this.
"Whats wrong?" Leila walked into the room.
Dark looked at her than me then back to her.
"You're having a baby sister or brother."
She opened her mouth a bit wide.
She seemed happy witch made me feel better.
"Yes now get out I need to talk with Mark."
She ran back to her room and Dark shut the door. He walked over and sat next to me.
"Look, im not mad, just confused on why you didn't tell me you wanted another baby."
"I thought you'd say no."
He looked at me and rolled his eyes.
"I gave you 2 egg sacks for a reason, idiot."
I smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes.
"Ill make dinner, go to sleep you're tired."
Hes right I am tired. I kissed him and he walked off, I layed down and fell asleep.

Leilas pov:
"Ya I hope its a girl." I said to fire.
He laughed a bit.
"Sounds like a hand full."
I kissed his face all over and he let me of cource, he pinned me on the bed and started kissing me.
"I can't wait till im 16."
"You're already thinking about that?"
"Well I don't want to now, when im 16 I will."
"Don't think about it now."
He kissed me again, and again and all over my face, not in a cute way though.
"Dude gross, get off!"
He started laughing, he gave me hella wet slimy kisses.
After a minute he got off of me.
"How long does it take for the baby?"
"About 3 months or a month or 4, its really any time but at least 2 months."
I nodded.
"Can we go to an icecream place??"
He rolled his eyes with a smile and nodded.
After we got icecream we went to a walking park place, theres no playground just trees and stuff, and apparently Cat.
"Oh hey Leila, Fire!" She walked over to us.
"Oh hey cat!" I said.
"What are you two doing out here, I know you're grounded."
I sighed and rolled my eyes, she laughed and hugged Fire.
"Great, come walk with me."
Me and Fire followed her out of the park and down a street, we talked the whole way to a house.
"My place." She said and pulled us into the house.

3rd pov:
The teens all walked into the big house.
"Google im back!" One of the girls yelled.
A man came down the staires with a screen infront of his face, coming from his chest.
"Hello Fire, Leila, arint you grounded." The man said.
"Don't be a let down, Google leave her alone."
The man sighed and pushed his glasses up.
"Don't be loud."
The man walked away and the girl pulled the two teens up the stairs into her room, her walls are checkerd black and red, she had posters of bands on her walls.
They all sat in random chairs and started talking about things.
"Oh my dad is having another baby!" Leila said.
"Another one? You're already a handful as it is."
Leila seemed offended but Fire laughed.
"Im joking."
Cat leaned back against a wall.
"You should probably head home, its 6:30." Cat said.
The 3 said there goodbyes and left.
"Leila dinner!" Dark yelled.
Leila went downstairs to her parents.

Even opposites Can Love [markiplier x darkiplier]Where stories live. Discover now