Lodge Lodge

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*QUEENV added Justin Gingerlake, Romeo, Juliet, Cherry's GF🍒❤️ & Cherry Bombshell🍒 to the chat*

*QUEENV named the chat Triple Couple❤️*

QUEENV: okay so I'll pick you and your luggage up at around 7 on Thursday.

Justin Gingerlake: sounds good bbg 💞

Juliet: pick me up at Juggie's don't bother stopping at my house

QUEENV: everything good B?

Juliet: my mom just kicked me out of my house because I didn't come home after the party.


Cherry's GF🍒❤️: everything good now?

Juliet: yeah I'm just living with Jug and his dad. FP is so cool about it

Romeo: yeah he is and I love living with you even though the circumstances aren't great...

Juliet: I love living with you too

Cherry Bombshell🍒: awee😍


Thursday at 6:50 pm

Veronica POV

I was just walking out the door when Daddy stopped me. "Mija, where are you going?"

"To the cabin by the lake. I told you. I'm taking Archie, Betty, Jughead, Toni, and Cheryl. Bye now, Daddy," I replied, and walked out the door.

My bags had already been loaded into the limo. I hopped in and Andres drove to Archie's first, then Cheryl's where Toni and Cher were standing with about 10 bags. Andres loaded them in and the girls climbed inside. The last stop was Jug's house, where he and Betty stood with a bag each. They through their bags in and crawled in together.

In about 45 minutes, we arrived at the cabin and I thanked Andres and told him that we'd call if we needed anything. We hauled all our bags inside and plopped them down on the floor in the living room. Betty and Jughead, having already been here, went upstairs to their room to put their stuff away.

"Why don't we go for a late night swim?" Cheryl suggested. The four of us agreed and yelled for Betty and Jug to put on their swimsuits.

Jughead POV

We walked into "Lodge Lodge" and immediately Betty and I went upstairs to put our stuff away in the room we shared last time we were here.

After unpacking, we heard V call for us to put our swimsuits on. Betty walked to her drawer and pulled out a pink string bikini which I knew that her mom would never approve of, but I sure did. She put on the bikini and we went downstairs carrying towels.

Together, we all walked outside to the lake, which was about 100 meters out the back door.

We all ran towards the water. Us two guys and T all jumped straight in, closely followed by V. Then Cher. Betty chickened our last second.

"Don't make me come up there Juliet!" I said, climbing out of the water. I grabbed her hand and we jumped together. She came up smiling and she grabbed on to my neck.

"Let's do chicken wars!" Toni suggested. We all agreed and Betts climbed onto my shoulders. Cheryl climbed onto T and V jumped on Arch.

Cheryl then shouted, "ready set go!"

We all ran towards each other and Betty almost fell backwards but I held her on. Then V and Arch came from behind and pushed Cheryl in the back and she flipped over Toni's head. We all laughed so hard Betty almost fell off again. Then, we went over to team Varchie, and I unhooked V's legs from Archie and Betty shoved her backwards.

"BUGHEAD WINS!" Betty shouted. I laughed and flipped her over my head and into the water. We hung out in the water for a while longer, then we went to change and have a campfire.

Betty and I walked back inside hand in hand. Betty put on a pair of jean shorts and the hoodie Kevin gave her for her birthday. I pulled on jeans and a T-shirt. We went downstairs and saw that everyone else was already outside sitting in lawn chairs around a fire that Archie built.

Toni POV

The six of us were sitting around this huge fire when Cheryl decided she wanted s'mores so me and B went inside to get stuff. We went inside and grabbed chocolate, cookies and marshmallows.

"She's got you whipped, T," Betty said to me while we were making hot chocolate for everyone.

"No she does not," I replied, but then I realized I was in here getting her food. "Okay yes she does." I laughed. We poured hot chocolate into our 6 travel mugs. Mine was purple with a snake on it. Cheryl's was bright red of course. Archie's had footballs all over it. Jughead's said "Romeo", and B's said "Juliet". V's has pink and purple Hearts all over. We carried the cups and the s'more stuff outside to the picnic table by the fire. I handed V, Cheryl, and Arch their hot chocolate, while B had hers and Jugs. Archie stood to begin cooking marshmallows for s'mores. The rest of us sat in our chairs.

"You know... out of the six of us the ones who haven't kissed are Toni and Archie, Cheryl and Jughead, Betty and Cheryl, and me and Toni. Me and Arch kiss all the time. I kissed Cheryl once. I kissed B. I kissed Jug last time we were here," V said.

B continued on this by adding, "Well we all know me and Juggie have kissed. I kissed T once remember.... I kissed Arch. B&V kiss at cheer tryouts. And it would be weird if I kissed Cher."

Cheryl continued with, "I kissed V, Arch, and T obviously. I'm tied with the guys for the least kisses?!"

Jughead added, "I only kissed T, B, and V."

"I kissed B, V, C and that's all," Arch said.

I finished, "I kissed B, Cher, and Jug. B&V have the most." I laughed at this.

Archie then said, "Wait. I wanna hear about this Betty-Toni kiss..."

I looked at Betty and laughed. "Well it's really not a big deal," I told him.

"Oh I remember this...," Jughead said. I laughed again.

"You were there?! You watched your girl kiss another girl?!" Archie blurted.

"Chill let us tell the story," B said to Archie.

"So we were at this serpent party right. We were playing truth or dare and Fangs dared Betty to kiss me," I told them. Me, B, and Jug broke into laughter.

"And I did it."

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