Grocery Shopping

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Betty POV
"Babe, we have like no food in this house we have to go shopping," I shouted to Jughead who was in the living room.

"Okay, let me put a shirt on first," Jughead replied, standing up from the couch. "But, first..." He walked over to me and kissed me lightly. I returned it and we both went to get dressed. I pulled off my PJ pants and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans. I then pulled on a hoodie and my Converse. Jughead had pulled a tshirt on and the two of us left the house. We decided to take my car. We drove to the grocery store, which was pretty big for such a small town. We went inside and grabbed a shopping cart.

"Okay we need bread, milk, juice, apples, cheese, and a bunch of other stuff," I said with a laugh. We started at the far end of the store. We went up and down isles. It was like 11pm so the store was practically deserted. We made it to the isle with the junk food.

"Babe, please can we get these. We can make s'mores," Juggie said, holding up a bag of marshmallows.

"We do not need marshmallows," I replied. Then, much to my surprise, he threw the marshmallows at me. The bag hit me square in the nose. I grabbed the bag and threw them, equally as hard, back at him. Soon, we were throwing bags of marshmallows at each other without an end. Finally I have in and Jughead put the marshmallows in the cart. There was another couple in the isle, arguing over what kind of chips to buy.

They saw us and I heard the girl say, "You see, Mark, those people know what they want. Now please just pick a dang bag of chips." I looked at Jug and the two of us laughed and continued on.

"Betts, I think we need a new shower curtain. I may or may not have accidentally ripped ours this morning...." Jughead said. I just laughed and we made our way to the household section of the store.

"Archibald Andrews, if you don't get your butt down here this instant, I will leave you here," I heard. The voice was unmistakably Veronica Lodge. I saw her first and then I saw Archie, who was climbing up the pillow bucket.

"Nuh uh," Archie said, "I'm jumping in."

"I'm following him," Jughead said, surprising Veronica and me.

"Hey, V," I said.

"Hey, B." The two of us watched as our boyfriends climbed the metal rack. When they got to the top, they counted down from three and jumped in. "Guys are dumb."

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