Once we arrived

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We heard someone speaking.....
"Oh um sorry" i said. They kind young man informed us that the plane had landed and it was time for us to get off. "Oh we are sorry, just a long night" Fara said. "I understood" he said while laughing a bit. Once we got off the plane I got a phone call from an unknown number i answered hesitant and I couldn't believe what I heard, Fara asked what was wrong and I told her "After my mom and your sister dropped us off at the airport they got in a horrid accident and they are now dead." We both started crying, "but what will happen when we go back to America?" She asked. "Probably Foster care, but lets enjoy our time here." We decided to head to the hotel. "Um may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked looking concerned. "Um yes we are here to recieve our room key" I said trying to look older then I actually was. "It should be reserved under the last name of Leigh" Fara said before I could say it myself.  "Oh okay I see." She handed us the key and smiled. Once we got to our room we literally dropped out stuff and our jaws. "This room is so aaaaaa" Fara said in amazement. "I know what you mean." I said. After we unpacked we were hungry. "Lets go get something to eat I'm starving my mom registered me a credit card for the trip." I said. "Ooo I saw this cute restaurant on the way walking from the airport." She said. "Perfect, lead the way" I said.

Once we got there, they all speaked in Korean but luckily we already learned some. "Can I get you to young ladies something to drink?" The kind looking waitor asked. "Ah yes I'd like a Dr.pepper and she'd like the same." I said. "You read my mind" Fara said while giggiling. Once we ordered our food we notice a black van with tinted windows pulled up and 7 young men got out, trying to walk in the restuarant, but they they were stopped by a huge crowd of girls yelling and screaming, "BTS, BTS" over and over again "There is no way that is BTS" Fara said. As our waitor brought us our food, the 7 boys sat down ready to order. Another man walked in and we hearded something about him being their 'manager' and also something about wanting us to leave, but the what seems to be the leader said, "No it is fine they are not bothering us." We kept looking over and they finally removed their surgeon like masks. Our eyes wided at the sight, we were actually in the same restuarant as BTS. We kept glancing at the and one of them noticed, it appeared to be Jungkook but couldn't fully tell since they were on the other side of the room. He gave us a cute smile and we heard what seemed like to be V ask him, "Kookie who are you smiling at?" "Just those girls" Kookie said pointing right at us. As he pointed all the members turned to look, they waved at us and then suddenly RM motioned for us to come over. We were so shocked, "I think I'm gonna pee my pants!!" Fara said in a loud like whisper. "Act cool" I said. "Do you think we bothered them?" She asked. "We will see soon enough" I replied. As soon as we went over RM asked us in English, "Can you speak Korean?" We both said yes at the exact same time which made jhope laugh. RM they stated in Korean, "Would you like to join us?" Fara answered hesitant, "You mean like right now for this meal?" He said, "Yes." "Let me talk this over with my associate here before we decide" I said. Jimin said before I turned to talk to Fara, "Do you even know who we are?" Fara started to speak, "Of course we dwienq" i covered her mouth before she could finish and gave her the idea glare. We turned to each other and acted like we were whispering, I then turned and said, "Yes we would love to, it seems to have no bump in with our schedule." We sat down and tried our best not to fangirl, until they started asking us questions. Suga asked, "So are you part of Army?" Fara replied with a quick yes. And then right after that Jungkook asked, "Are you going to tomorrows concert?" I answered yes. Then Jin looked at us weirdly and asked, "Where are you parents?" I tried my best not try cry, "Well Fara's parents died awhile back, so she lived with her sister, once we landed here in Korea we found out that her sister and my mom got in an accident and are now dead." They all looked shocked and like they didnt know what to say. Suga broke the silence, "What will happen when you go back to America?" Fara said, "We aren't sure, maybe foster care, but if I'm being honest I wish we didn't have to go back now." RM looked at us and the whispered something to the manger, but we weren't sure what they said. After we finished eating they all waved goodbye and that they couldn't wait to see us at the concert and before their van door closed, V yelled, "And we will be looking for ya'll in the crowd!"

We walked back to the hotel to get ready for tomorrows concert. It was fun getting to actually talk to someone famous, but I wonder what RM whispered to his manager. I guess I'll never know. "We should go to bed, I bet tomorrow will be fun." Fara said. "Yesh true, see you in the morning, night" I replied but when I looked over she was already snoring

It was now 2 hours before the concert. We both got ready and went down to the cafe to get something to eat. "Alright lets go so we can make sure we got the right seats." I said. "Yeah true." She said. Once we went inside, it was huge, as we went to make sure we had the right tickets we were surprised, "OMG YOUR MOM GOT US NEARLY FRONT ROW SEATS" Fara screamed. "Wow my mom went all out with this." I said. As the concert was about to begin we took our seats and saw the members, Fara waved and RM winked at her, omg I never thought someone could actually melt in their seat until then. After they preformed their last song we got sad because we weren't gonna be able to see them again except on screen.

But then V said something so unexpected.....

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