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-a few months later-

"Wake up ladies apparently we have a music video to produce" Ali said. "We have a what?!" Fara questioned. "A mu-sic vid-eo" Ali said slower. "I know what you said, but why?" Fara asked. "And why aren't you too surprised?" Fara asked pointing to me and Rei. "Okay 1.We are suppose to release a new album soon with txt and 2.Apparently they already knew and they created the album with two of the members from txt" Ali said. "Well yeah I remember us doing concept photos, but I didn't think we'd actually do a lot" Fara said.

"Wait how did Rei and Ivy keep it a secret from us" Fara asked. "Well it wasn't even that hard" I said. "Yeah all we did was when Jessika called me or Ivy would answer. Y'all aren't very aware" Rei said.

"Okay whatever, but we need to get like going" Ali said. "I'm still confused" Fara said putting her hands on her head. "You always are" We all said and walked out. We then all got in the car and headed over to bighit.

-at bighit-
"Hello ladies right this way to get your hair, make up and outfits" a young woman said. She looked to be about mid twenties but you could tell she wasn't from here. She had light brown hair and dark green eyes.

We all flowed her into a stylist room where we all sat down in our separate chairs.

-time skip to when done-
We all just finished our hair, make up, and outfits and let me say we fit the concept perfectly. Ali used to have bright pink hair, now she has well the same but not as bright they gave her green contact lenses and her outfit was white crop top with pink ripped jeans and small black boots. Fara used to have pastel purple hair, she now had brown hair with yellow tips and she got purple contact lenses. Her outfit was a rainbow long sleeve shirt with white pants and white sneakers. Rei used to have dark red hair, now she has a mint green she got red contact lenses and her outfit was a orange long sleeves with black ripped jeans. Finally me my hair used to be a cyan to real ombre and it was now grey with baby blue tips, they gave me blue contacts and my outfit was a black crop top with navy ripped jeans.

Our concept was different you could say. It was about mythical creatures and the troubles they face. It's not like a movie, but more of how just because someone is different doesn't mean we should dislike them. Me and Rei worked on the music with Beomgyu and Soobin.

-time skip-
"Alright everyone once the txt members finish getting ready we'll head over to where we are shooting" Jessika said. We all stood there and waited. "Alright everybody let's go" Jessika said once the txt members walked out of the dressing room. I'm pretty sure no one got their hair dyed because it was all still brown. Taehyun and Yeonjun had red contact lenses. Kai had blue. Also Soobin and Beomgyu had yellow.

We finally arrived somewhere, it's hard to explain since I don't even know but I've been here before shooting magic shop with bts. The car came to a stop and we all got out, we then all headed inside and it was much bigger on the inside then out.

"Alright so if you have red contact lenses follow Ms.Jiyoo" Jessika said pointing to a woman who was raising her hand. Taehyun, Yeonjun and Rei started walking to her. "If you have blue contact lenses head to the water pool with Mr.Chan" Jessika said. Me and Kai walked over to who Jessika pointed to. "If you have green or yellow head to Mrs.Chan" Jessika said. "And finally Fara you are the only one with purple so come with me" Jessika said and with that we separated.

-with Mr.Chan-
"Alright Kai and Ivy I need you both to change into black ripped jeans, you both are wearing black shirt already so that's good" Mr.Chan said as a lady handed us both a pair of pants. We both headed to separate changing rooms and changed into the pants he gave us.

"Alright hmm so I heard in both of y'alls last music videos it was about the angel and the devil well I can see how y'all are piecing this together and it reminds me of someone else I worked with bts" Mr.Chan said laughing. "Alright well Ivy I want you to stand right on that side of the pool and Kai opposite of her" Mr.Chan said. Me and Kai then walked opposite of each other and stood where he said. "Alright when I say go I need you both to fall back into the water with arms out" Mr.Chan said. "Now han, dul, set fall" He said and with that we both fell I held my breathe the best I could without using my hand.

"Perfecto!" He yelled. Me and Kai then swam up and held onto the side of the underground pool we were in, it was pretty deep and it was really cool. "Alright now I will need you both to go underwater and open your eyes, don't worry it won't hurt it will just be a little blurry and when you do so swish yourself around and look at the camera that is underwater" Mr.Chan said. I then held my breathe as did Kai and we did exactly what Mr.Chan said.

"That was amazing, now we have a few more things" He said. "Well Kai you ready?" I asked. He laughed and said "As ready as I'll ever be" " Alrighty then let's follow him" I said. We then both started walking and followed Mr.Chan to another pool, might I add we were still soaking wet from the last one. But this one was different, the last one had a green screen behind it and the water was a bit dark. This one though was different it was in the middle of the whole arena if that's what you want to call this building, but anyways it was in the middle of everything and it wasn't as deep.

"Alright you too just get in the water and swim to the bottom, but don't use your legs also eyes open." Mr.Chan said. We both got in the water and held out breathes we did exactly what Mr.Chan said and swam down with just our arms. It was pretty cool. We then came up for air. "Alright one more thing do exactly what I just told you again for a few seconds and at the end turn around as fast as you can and look right at the camera once your done" Mr.Chan said. Me and Kai both swam back down and did exactly what Mr.Chan said I could already see where this was going and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

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