Pride Parade part 1

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     Standing on top of a mid-air stage platform, wearing a sweaty leotard, and holding two pride flags, Max was honestly just wondering how Shull even MANAGED to convince him to perform at a pride event. He had nothing against it, no, but it was a new experience for him. He had never actually had a boyfriend, unless you count that small green rabbit that sat on Max's lap while Greyscale was singing Marina and The Diamonds while wearing stolen Gucci sunglasses. (Yes, it was Bubblegum Bitch, yes the glasses were pink.) Max had really always been up for anything, and he was especially adventurous after Volio. She decided to move to to Canada with her family, taking the van but leaving her speaker set. Max wasn't affected much, he had moved on before she even left. 

    Wrapping up their final dance routine, Max's platform lowers to the stage, where he joined the rest of his team lining up for bows. 

     Offstage, Zandar is rather aggressively passing out bottles of Gatorade, and everyone else is trying to cool off, appreciating Zandar's Gatorade. The team had definitely been a lot closer since Monty left, as she was the only one causing conflict by bossing everyone around. Of course, the several attacks she framed Max for had finally landed her three years jail time and a restraining order. 

     Her replacement was Shull, a sheep-bred species. At first, the team thought they'd just have to go on missing a member, but Shull had come to them in a matter of days, somehow knowing about it. She was the exact opposite of Monty's petite, almost anorexic form and vicious attitude, but was actually just what they needed. Admittedly, Max really liked her. They've had to change a few routines because Monty's new replacement is too large for Max to pick up, and even sometimes Max is the one getting lifted. 

     Stepping off the stage, having already changed into his regular clothes, Max greeted his friends waiting for him. Aaron and Pakira were already holding drinks, and they even managed to bring Greyscale in with them. His tattered, rather scary behavior and overall appearance looked completely unnoticeable among all the rainbow colors and crazy accessories. One of the many joys of pride. In addition to all the people and general gay-ness, that is. 

"You guys did wonderful, Max, but Zandar was yelling at you from the wings." rants Pakira, handing Max some kind of purple-green-blue slushy-type thing. "No idea what he was yelling about, though."

     Max smiled a little, glad Zandar was able to come with them, even after the past trouble with Cas. Max really did pick up a lot of people in those few days, didn't he? 

     Feeling a tinge of pain in the roof of his mouth, probably a new tooth forming, he takes a small purple tablet out of his sweaty hoodie pocket and attempts to pop it in his mouth. Greyscale, noticing, takes it, along with Max's drink. 

"Don't you want to be able to talk during the next twenty minutes?" In response to Max's pouting, Greyscale hands them back, adding "Don't you think it's time I just.... replace your jaw entirely?"

"Remember how you lost your medical license?"

"Come on, I've got to do something with all these spare parts. They all keep dying and I have nothing to do with them!"

Max shrugs. "Why don't you just give all your extra dove implants to Venus, she'd probably eat them."

Greyscale stops. "We do not speak of that woman."

Pakira, desperate to interrupt, asks "Who is that sheep Aaron is talking to?"

     Max quickly turns to see Aaron and Shull talking by a flag stand, Shull tying a pansexual flag around her neck. 

-Well I made this too long so I'll add the rest of it in part 2 tomorrow-

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