Pride Parade part 2

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"Our new instructor I mentioned earlier. Needed someone else to duet with now that we finally found an excuse to ditch Monty."

     Greyscale nods, "reminds of a patient I had from Budapest. Came in for an eye lift, left with three uteruses."

     Pakira spits out her tea and eyes Greyscale widely. "Calm down," Max nudges, "This is normal for him." Pakira has never actually met Greyscale before, and Max had.... left out some things while describing him. For the best, probably, considering Pakira is to be moving in with Max later that week. 

     Max, finishing up his drink, walks over to a nearby garbage can to throw out his empty cup and straw. On the way, he notices Shull heading towards him, looking rather confused. "Did you... give Zandar permission to use the budget for Gatorade?" The tired Jackalope just sighed in response to the question. "You know him too well," he remarks. Shull laughs a little, giving Max a look he.... can't quite decipher. "I've been getting along well, haven't I?"she says. Max thought for a bit. She got along with the group just fine, perhaps a little too well. And she's not exactly fitting in, something still stood out.... Shull has no idea who Monty was or what she did, or even what happened to her, and Max was thinking of telling her. Maybe even take Shull with them on one of the crew's night outs, or even better... 

     A hand waved in front of his face, cutting off Max's train of thought. The playful sheep looked at him, curious. "You okay there, Max? You look a little lost bud..." "Y-.. yeah," Max stutters a little, he just remembered he and Greyscale were supposed to check out some Nashville tunnels while they were in the city. Usually Aaron was cameraman, but this time Aaron was going to a concert, and Pakira wasn't cleared for the search by Venus Emerald, so she was possibly staying at the hotel by herself, especially if Max and Greyscale were to spend the night in some supposedly haunted venue. 

     Max looks over at Shull, who looks equally concerned and confused. 

"Hey, have you seen Greyscale around?" Max asks, tilting his head a little. 

"Who now?" Shull responds, adjusting her new 'cape'

"Eh, my brother. Messy fur, purple, long tail, a little bit taller than me?"

"Yeah, with the glasses? The guy who was t-posing in the audience. You're related to him?"

Max looks behind him before she could finish, still searching.

"Yeah, I need to find him." 

Shull, still confused, follows Max as he continues to walk in the other direction, leaving the vendor area and going more into the crowds of people. 

"Greyscale?!" Max calls out, causing random people's heads to turn, as well as a shrieking noise in the distance. Max, immediately recognizing his brother's bullshit, heads towards where he heard the sound.  He finds Greyscale posing for photos with miscellaneous drag queens. As Shull struggles to keep up behind him, Max notices other animals taking photos of Greyscale as well. They must think he's one of them. "Come to think of it, he'd make a great drag performer."

     Shull, confused, finds an unaware Max, not realizing he said that out loud. The purple mess, now wearing some sort of skin-tight bodysuit, finally notices his friends watching and asks Max what's wrong.

"Max, what is it, I'm trying to make friends here!"

"Greyscale, have you called Venus yet?"

"Goodness, no, why on earth would I?"

"Because she's your b o s s, and we need clearance for Pakira?"


"For the i n v e s t i g a t i o n tonight?"

     Greyscale just stands and blinks for a bit, also confused. "Oh.....," he realizes, "Well, shit."

     Max sighs, not surprised. "Relax, I'll call her, and see what I can get. She's still mad about the guns, you know."

   Max turns to Shull, taking his phone out. "Hey, you like paranormal stuff, right?"

Shull has no idea what Max is talking about, but replies anyway. "Yeah, I don't see why not"

     After a few minutes of Shull and Greyscale chatting, Max returns, smiling a little.

"Both of you, make sure your bags are ready. We've got a show to run."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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