chapter 1 (7-eleven)

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''Brook!? Brook!?''Where is she I thought. she always runs off like this. ' you never under stand' she always says.

''Chill out Nikki, I'm over here.''She said quietly.''Keep your voice down.'' I didn't mean to yell, I thought maybe if I yelled she'll listen to me, but she's to stubborn to listen.

We were on the outside of a rundown 7-eleven store, but it seemed as though people were still inhabiting it. We were deciding on whether to attack in stealth, or gain there trust and ask for some supplies. Obviously, option two wasn't going to work so we decided to take them out, one by one.

We slid cautiously towards the side of the building. Without a single word, Brook jump up and skillfully cricked the man guarding the door's neck.

"Oh. My. God.'' I was astonished at how easily she killed him so. Maybe she's done it before I thought.

''Okay. Now you take out that chick over there.'' She said panting heavily. It was not easy struggling to stay quiet and kill at the same time.

''How do you expect me to do that." I said with much sarcasm in my voice.

"Just... Ummm... You know what, just leave the killing to me.''

''Ummm. Okay.'' With one swift kick she knocked the girl to her feet. slammed her head against the ground and pulled her in a closet nearby

''Brook. I'm gonna' grab some things that could be of some good use to us back at hosanna.''

"Hey!'' A voice from behind stopped us in our tracks.

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