chapter 4 (why have you return)

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I sat staring at the animal, its hooves buried in the snow. I had to go hunting with Hunter, ( just a tad ironic.) Hunter had been my... um... special friend ever since brook left. We go hunting all the time until one fateful day we ran into what seemed like e full grown buck. We followed it out into the snowy woods and continued forth.

''Shoot the buck. So if it runs away we can follow its blood tracks, if it gets to far off.'' Hunter knew all there was to know about hunting. He was intelligent, handsome, kind, how could he like someone like me. Out off all the other pretty girls in the camp.

''Oooookaaaaay,'' I said queerly as I pulled back the string and end of my bow and arrow. The intensity, the rush filled me to the brim. I let the arrow fly with great force at the bucks neck. As it ran off, the blood spilled in pools then stopped and continued again.

''Great shot babe,'' boy he makes my heart melt like ice cream. We followed the trail a little longer until the buck was finally done and was lumped on the ground in a pool of its own blood, but something didn't seem right. I felt uneasy in my surroundings. A crack came from the trees. I loaded my bow and pulled it back to my cheek. When hunter saw me, he raised his gun in fear.

''Who's there!'' I called out to the tree line. I saw the shadow of a foot, then it disappeared back into the darkness. I looked up momentarily at the same time shots were firing at the trees in front of us. We fled behind them and Hunter began shooting at the mysterious person in the dark.

''Come out coward!"

''Put down your weapons first!" I set down my arrow and held up my hands.

''Don't shoot,'' I called, '' its down!" I nodded towards hunter to put his gun down. I looked up at the treeline and was astonished at what I saw. It was my old friend, Brooklyn Joyce. 

''Where were you.'' I cried as I ran up to give her a hug, but before I got close enough a knife almost went into my neck

''Do I know you.''

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