Chapter 1

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I have always been a girl who loves adventures and challenges. New stuffs always fascinate me. I never hesitate in trying something cool. It does not always turn out to be a good experience but who cares right? Life is short and should be lived to the fullest.

Well that is what I was doing right now with my best friends Thea Cody and Zion Styles.

Well just to make it clear Thea wasn't related to Zack and Cody and Zion was definitely no where related to Harry Styles, at least that's what he says, but I still doubt him he looks so much like Harry Styles.

I sometimes doubt that they both are brothers and haven't reviled it to the world yet. I also organized a sting operation to find out the truth.

Well it wasn't particularly a sting operation it was only me and Thea breaking into his house in the middle of the night. We ended up getting grounded by our parents because the burglar alarm went off and Zions parents thought it was a theft and they called the police.

That mothertrucker never told us he had a burglar alarm in his house. But our parents were well known so our lives were spared. What can I say perks of being the kids of the top 10 richest families in the world.

Well actually that's how we became friends not because our families were rich but because we had the same ideologies of us earning our own money and spending instead of living on the mercy of our parents hard earned money. We believed in being independent.

We often worked part time in Starbucks and clubs as baristas and Bartenders. That's how we brought our first cars. I bought a red Lamborghini with an open roof. While Thea and Zion bought an Audi and Mercedes. We liked to arrive in style....

But there was one thing we disagreed on.... LOVE. Both Thea and Zion believe in true love but I thought it was bullshit at least after my mother left me and my dad. My dad was completely broken when she left us but over the years he got over her. Now he is a very cold and a distant man. I Inherited this from him partly after my mom left us.

It was the last year of high school and we were currently enjoying our vacation in Japan 🇯🇵. The three of us often traveled the world, with our own money of course.

We spent the last week in Miyakojima

When you're on Miyakojima, you become one with the nature that surrounds you. The amazing and beautiful coral reefs, the refreshing winds, the songs of exotic birds and animals, and the enchanting aromas of tropical flowers.

The mouthwatering delicacies. One great place to spend a peaceful time is, of course, the beach. Covered in pure white sand and wrapped in the calming sounds of the ocean surf gently washing onto the quiet shores. It was indeed paradise on earth.

I was still day dreaming about last week when Zion suddenly jolted me back to reality.

"Hey Kaia where on earth are you? "he asked with a confused look on his face.

"In Japan, duh!" I replied instantly.

"Shut up with that Sass and get your stupid ass over here right now before I grab a bunch of your silky hair and drag you down like a dead animal." He yelled. He was very very dramatic for a 17 year old guy. He acted like thoes 2 year old spoiled brat girls who get everything they want.

We were trying a new dish called funazushi. It is a fermented carp which takes more than a year to prepare. We also tried a drink, more like poison, Habushu a snake wine.

These were the most sober foods I saw on the menu. The other dished made me throw up. They had something called as Shirako which was nothing but cod fish genitalia and sperms which that ate raw.

I am always open to try new things but this. No. No way I was Trying them.

We barely ate. We left the restaurant as soon as possible. I was on the verge of throwing up.

Suddenly Thea blurted "Guys are vacations are almost ending. I'll miss this so much" Ya we realized that.

Well to lighten up the mood I suggested something amazing.
"Guys let's do the Mario kart thing"

"Dude I don't wanna spend the last day playing video games now" Zion was being a drama queen again.

"No I mean like do the Mario kart in real life. I heard they have it somewhere here"

"FOR REAL¿¡" I knew Zion was a sucker for Mario. So it instantly made him happy.

We spent the rest of the day doing go carting it was Tiring but was fun.

Later on we boarded my private jet. It was a gift from my dad when I turned 18. It was very luxurious. It was painted black and sliver, had leather couches and seats, a 56inch television, comfortable bedrooms, a bar, a mini dance floor, a pool table, Wii and x box, a mini golf club and not to forget my personal favorite. A fully equipped kitchen!! Best part isn't it?

We made ourselves comfortable when I suddenly drifted alway in my thoughts.

Who knows what the future hold for us after we graduate from high school. But I'm excited for anything and everything.

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