Chapter 2

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"The Black's company still leads taking major leaps in the path of success"

My father Mr Andrew Black read the newspaper headlines aloud. He was proud of the Empire he had created down the years and expected me to do the same.

But I had my own dreams. But I also knew the Blacks weren't allowed to have any other dream than making the business successful.

"Tha-tds gr-ate dad" I complimented him with my mouth stuffed with pancakes. Well to be specific my grandmother's secret recipe of delicious Berry pancakes. What can I say they were to die for.

I was thankful that my grandmother mother had taught me her recipe before going to her grave. I loved her, but she died due to overdosing her medicines. It was my fault I still feel the guilt deep down.

"Grow up Edward. How are you going to take over the company? With pancakes stuffed in your mouth? " I heard him laugh as I rolled my eyes.

" Oh my goodness! " we heard a shriek coming from my bedroom but didn't pay any attention.

An over dramatic women in her early forties scrambled out of my room and started yelling. Yep that was my mother

" I don't know if I've given birth to a child or a pig. I mean look how filthy his room is, a pig house will be cleaner than this! "

Well she can go in and on about this, I can't complain because I'm not a neat and clean freak.

After I felt all my mother's energy was drained out I went out for basketball practice. I was the captain of my team. So obvious right?

On my way to the court. I saw something extremely disturbing or hilarious you decide for yourself . Two teenagers were Fucking under a tree and then the owner of the tree popped out from I don't know where and started chasing them with a stick.

I swear both of them ran off naked. Hilarious right.


I reached the court in my brand new BMW and parked it across the street.

"Ayee dude why you late huh?"

Oh no there we go. Before Andy starts I'll tell you that he's the most sarcastic black guy I've ever met. And to top it up he is interested in guys but hates me you know the friendly hate.

You get it?

But how how ironic right. I mean I'm the most handsome face in college. But I'm not complaining because I'm straight Ya know.

And he has an annoying boyfriend named Barry. Oh trust me he sucks. Both have the same sarcastic minds, plus he hangs out with Kaia. I hate her so much. She's you know kind of the rich brats of the school. Well I'm too but just not the brat part.

"Dude you know my mom was giving me an important lecture." I said hesitantly.

"OHH NOO not the tidy room lecture "

" Yeah Yeah that one."

"You deserve it you filthy creature!"

Did I mention that Andy is a cleanliness freak?
Okay he is.

"So any plans for tonight. We can go for a movie"

"Sounds great but I have a date tonight."

"You broke up with Barry. Thank goodness I'm so grateful you kno-" (cut of between his sentence)

"Edward I bet your ass must be pretty jealous of all the Shit that comes out of your mouth"

"Rude much Andy."

"Dude I have a date with Barry so shut your Bitch mouth up"

"Okay okay. Jeez. But I thought he went with that Bitch Brat"

"Who? K?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah Kaia "

"First of all she is not a Bitch. Second of all she's a sweetheart and third of all Barry did not go."

Jeez who's best friend is he? Mine or hers?

"Yeah right sweetheart! "I rolled my eyes.

" She may be a sweetheart for you but is a Bitch to me "I added quickly.

" Dude that's because you poured an entire soda can Oh her head in 4th grade." he shrugged.

" Because she kept a Lizard in my lunch box in 3rd grade for god sake! "

" Stop yelling like a 2 year old girl. And the Lizard was a fake one and she already apologized and said it was a dare. "

"I don't Fucking care"

"Yeah because you love her! " he said while running away.


I could never even like her. Could I?
I don't think so because I think love is bull crap!

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