Updated chacter desciption.

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Look Like Vegito after your 2 years of training in Whis god realm (aka 2 days) but your shirt underneath is red.
You know: ssj1 ssj2 ssj4 ssg unknown( not going to be UI)
Favorite move: Dragon fist kamehameha, final Flash, your worst nightmare(coming soon), unknown.
Mentor: unknown, Whis, Zangyi
Crush: Goki
Admirers: 3
Friends: your brother canto (kan-toe) z fighters
Race: Sayain/demon (aka Zangyi)

You also have daddy issues and anger problems. You have a crush on Goki and the the G.O.D hate you because of Zangyi.

Now I have a question, should I make y/n a OC( original chacter) or just stick with y/n???

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