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The sun had gone down, and while most people on this planet were wide awake, Percy and the others had turned in for the day. Brie and Mel shared a room on the opposite side of Percy and Iggy's.

They all were sleeping peacefully, Iggy occasionally letting out a small snore. But Percy woke up constantly, his mind wandering back to the prince's request. The hunt didn't start until morning, so why did he feel like he needed to go now?

Percy sighed and rolled over, sitting up and rubbing his face. "Percy?" Percy heard Mel call. "Mel? Why are you awake?" Percy asks the small girl, who was clutching a pillow to her chest. "I-I had a nightmare," Mel said, and Percy noticed her red brimmed eyes. "Okay. Do you want to talk about it?" Percy asked, and fear flashed through her eyes as she shook her head. She crawled into bed next to Percy, curling into his side. Percy waited until he heard her breathing become deep and calm, signaling that she was asleep.

The sense that he needed to go get that wolf now was weighing on him, urging him to go look for that wolf earlier than the morning. Percy got up slowly as to not wake the sleeping Siren next to him. He stood up, exchanged his jogging pants and t-shirt for a cloak and jeans that would hide anyone's scent. He really needed to wash these.

He looked up and saw two bright lavender eyes staring back at him. And then they quickly shut.

"Iggy, I know you're awake." No answer.

"Hmmmm. Maybe I'm just imagining things." Percy said slyly. Iggy smirked ever so faintly. "Well, I'm going to go back to my treacherous plan to eat the last hotpocket before the others wake up..." Percy said, pretending to walk away. "You wouldn't dare!" Iggy shouted in protest, literal sparks coming out of his ears. "Shhh!" Percy shushed him.

"Oh... You were kidding, weren't you?" Percy didn't miss the hopeful tone underlying in his voice. "What are you doing awake?" Percy asked, ignoring the question. There was only one hotpocket left... "Where are you going?" Iggy asked instead of answering his question. "I have to save someone," Percy says. "Like a rescue mission? Oooh, can I come?" Iggy asked excitedly. It's moments like these when Percy realizes that he is talking to a child. A child who aged slowly because Percy could've sworn this little blond boy was 12 when they first met. Mel's hair had gotten longer, but she's still tiny.

"No, you can't come," Percy said. "But why?" Iggy asked. "Fine. Just know, it's especially cold outside today..." Iggy's eyes widened and slowly backed away. "Yeah, about that... I suddenly feel exhausted." He said with a fake yawn followed with a nervous laugh. "Really? Well goodnight. I should be back by morning." Percy said. He left the room, sneaking out of the house through the back door.
Third path in the forest. Counting from left to right or right to left?

Well, one is muddy and has weird purple flowers on the path. The one in the middle was more so like a dark tunnel, and a bright light was seen from the other side. The last one looked like a regular forest path. Which one was the right one to take?

From the blood-curdling bark coming from the one with the purple flowers, Percy inched towards it. Another sound came, a dominating howl and Percy then chose this path. Why? Howl=wolf right? He didn't step on the purple flowers, as he didn't know if they could harm him in any way, and quite frankly, he didn't want to find out unless it was a nice civilized conversation over blue cookies and Coca-Cola.

As he ascended deeper into the forest, the purple flowers started to illuminate a soft and calming light, that made Percy drowsy. Percy shook his head, trying to get over the sudden feeling of exhaustion that swept over him. The last thing Percy saw was bright yellow eyes, and canines the size of butterknives.
~Time Skip~

Percy woke up, yawning and rubbing his eyes. It was morning and Percy felt like he should be doing something. He looked down and saw he was in his hoodies and his gross smelling (occasionally called 'The Gabe Jeans') jeans. Wait...

Percy jumped up, uncapping Riptide. Yellow eyes and huge canines. Percy hoped that it was the wolf spirit and not some monster who wanted to eat him. A low growl rumbled from behind him, and he turned around. A large, ebony wolf with bright yellow eyes was in pouncing position, its teeth bared.

Percy glared at with equal ferocity and scowled at it. Hostile the boy said. Prince Hel said don't run or you'll lose his respect. Like hell he'd give this wolf the satisfaction of seeing him retreat, something that not even the Titans had the pleasure of seeing. But that seemed to anger it even more, and it pounced on him, and Percy flipped riptide so he was holding its blade and the hilt of his sword was pointing out to the wolf. After all, he didn't want to harm the wolf.

Percy felt a wet nose on his hand and the wolf's eyes widened as its body seemed to began to disintegrate into golden dust.

Percy stood in shock at the fact that the giant wolf that had just jumped at him had just vanished. It happened quickly, and Percy couldn't wrap his head around it. Then it clicked. The Prince said the wolf spirit needed a host. Spirits and hosts and compatibility... What if he and the wolf were compatible. What if... Percy looked at his hands and saw large claws protruding from his fingers.

What... What the chihis? Percy heard in his head. Holy Tartarus this is weird. The voice was deeper than Percy remembered, and Percy could distinguish a thick accent that he couldn't really identify. It sounding nothing like it did when it was speaking to the boy prince.

"I was sent by Prince Hel," Percy said to the wolf spirit, and a harsh laugh filled his head. "Prince Hel? The youngest Prince of this forsaken planet?" The wolf in Percy's head said laughing. "Are you sure? Why would he do that?" The wolf said, finding the situation utterly hilarious. "He considers you a friend." Percy says simply, though he was questioning the kid's taste in 'friends'.

"He considers me a friend? Ha! You must've gotten the wrong wolf. I killed that kid's brother!"

The wrong wolf.

And at that moment, a loud yelp was heard, the yelp of an injured animal. Percy got the wrong wolf. That means 3 things:

1) He took the wrong path.
2)He has the voice of a savage murder in his head.
3) The wolf that he is supposed to be helping is still out there.

I'm an idiot.

Hey, DemonsFromAbove here! I'm running purely off of coffee and memes right now -remember kids don't do drugs- so yeah. Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

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