Chapter 1

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"Hurry up and get your lazy ass down here now!" my father shouted from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" I half yelled. I took up my bag and rushed downstairs. As I entered the kitchen a rough and heavy hand slapped me across my face. "You worthless piece of shit, you think you could just yell at me and get away with it?"

"No I didn't mean to i-i," I stammered
"Oh you didn't." He took up a sharp knife and my eyes widened, he was stepping closer to me and had a evil grin planted on his face.
He roughly pushed me against the kitchen wall causing my back to hurt from such a strong push.
"Please don't I beg you," I said and a tear fell.
He only laughed. "Don't you dare think that your tears mean anything to me bitch." "You're just pathetic and worthless, get out of my sight."

I quickly went through the front door because I was going to walk to school, it was probably a 20 minutes walk and I was already late. Sometimes I wonder what I have ever done for my father to hate me like that, abuse me like i'm not of his blood and family and worst of all to kill my mother. What did I do to deserve this?

I was very late for my first class so I didn't have time to find my locker after i collected a paper sheet that had my scheduled classes and everything that I need to survive school.

I quickly pushed the door open and everyone was staring at me, even the teacher. I was frozen in place with all the eyes that are glued to me, but i shook off my nervousness and quickly made my way over to the teacher to show her my schedule. She nodded and told me to take a seat after putting my name in her register.

"Okay, class we have a new student joining us, so be nice." Wow that was short and to the point, i'm glad it is though because i can't have the whole class staring at me again. And that's when I feel like someone was watching NOPE staring at me,when everyone else stopped.

All the nervousness I felt came rushing back to me a thousand times stronger and I felt like I was paralyzed by the person's stare.
And when I saw who it was, I almost died.

There was a blonde hair boy with eyes bluer than the sacassion sea. He was dressed in a black shirt with a black leather jacket along with black ripped jeans and black jordans. Wow he really loves black.

He somewhat gives off a dangerous yet irresistible vibe that is just so captivating.
Just the way his eyes pierced into mine makes me shiver all over. How can someone look so perfect? God clearly had favorites.

He was so God damn handsome and HOT Or is it just the temperature of the room? Omg i feel like i'm going to pass out. The only seat left was beside him so I made my way over and sat down taking out my note book. And I still could feel his stare. Gosh I'm burning up.

Zack's POV

Wow! I wonder if I'm dreaming, this girl just caught my eyes in a flash. Her skin looks so smooth and her brunette hair brings out her beautiful grey eyes and those lips omg don't even get me started.

I don't know her but i can tell she's different from all the other girls here. I have been staring at her since she walked in and its like I can't stop. I bet she noticed my staring and thinks that I'm weird,' hump' I'm nothing near weird, I'm the baddest and hottest guy there is. And just my word is enough.

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