Chapter 10

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I'm still so confused about what happened yesterday, it's got me over thinking quite a lot.

Zack: You OK muffin?

Jane: Yeah, I'm OK

Zack: You sure? Because you seem uneasy.

Oh how could I forget, I'm in his car heading towards school where all the gossip will begin. How exciting is that?

Jane: I'm great it's just that people are gonna talk about seeing us in the same car.

Zack: So.....?

Jane: They are probably gonna think we are hooking up and all that.

Zack: Don't let what they say get to you muffin plus I'll be with you to put them in their place.

Jane: OK

3 minutes later

We arrived at school in comfortable silence until we got out of the car. Just give it 1,2,3...

???: Eww! Who's that bitch with Zack?

???: I don't know but they look good together.

???: No one asked you about how they look.

???: I bet she's just acting innocent and cute but is an actual slut.

And let me tell you that last one got me angry and I could tell Zack noticed, just as he was about to confront the girl and probably ripped her to pieces another statement caught his attention instead.

???: Holy shit! She's fine as fuck. I'm gonna smash that....

Before he could finish a fist came in contact with his face. Just one punch made the guy weak but Zack didn't stop, he kept on punching him.

Jane: Zack stop!

I shouted but it was no use, he just kept on punching and blood was everywhere. Everyone was terrified because no one dared to interfere.

I walked a little closer to him and touched his shoulder and I thought he would punch me too because I interfered. But he surprisingly relaxed, it's like he knew my touch from everyone else.

Jane: It's ok Zack, let's go.

He gripped my hand but not tight enough to hurt me and gently pulled me inside the halls but instead of going to class he went to an empty classroom.

He started pacing up and down. I could tell he was still angry, so I sighed.

How am I going to calm him down? I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way over to him and grabbed his arm to stop him from pacing. His beautiful eyes looked at me and if I had looked any longer he'd leave me in a trance.

Jane: Zack?

Zack: Mhm...

Jane: Um...

Zack: Shit! Jane don't do that.

Jane: Do what? *I asked oblivious to what he's talking about*

Zack: You just bit your lip, seductively too if I might add.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

Jane: I did?

Zack: Yes *he chuckled*

Zack: Jane.... *he said in a strained voice*

Jane: What?

Zack: You're doing it again

Jane: I'm sorry I can't help it

His eyes locked unto mine and then I realized what I just said and my eyes almost popped out their sockets.

In the speed of light he pushed me against the wall. I gasped because of how fast he was and looked at him.

Zack: You shouldn't have said that Jane because now I don't know if I can control myself.

Jane: You don't have to

I don't know where all of this is coming from but damn aren't I confident at the moment.

Zack: Now you shouldn't have said that

And before I could blink his soft lips were pressed gently against mine.

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