that isn't too emo for me

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Don't mind the music! Just wanted to hear stuff while I wrote! :D

Garroth has enter the chat

Zane enter the chat

Garroth: Hey Zane, I know that you are like emo and everything and I just wanted to see if you would like to see Panic at the Disco with me. I have front seats too! :D

Zane: Thanks, but no thanks

Garroth: Aww why not? D:

Zane: Because Panic at the Disco isn't too emo for me now leave me alone you big idiot.

Garroth:But I already brought tickets! D:

Zane: Will too bad! I said no!

Garroth: fine, I will just invite Aph then.


Garroth: Yeah since you didn't want to come with me, I might as well use the ticket.

Zane:Fine, I will come but only if you buy another ticket for Aph.

Garroth: It's a deal then! :D

Zane: what have I gotten myself into?

Garroth:  nothing much I promise!

Zane has left the chat

Garroth: he probably knows that I am going to invite Laurance and Aph.

Garroth has left the chat

Author's note: hey, I know I don't update too much but I saw that someone added this book into their book collection and I felt bad for not updating and as you can see, I found a new fandom to be in! And yeah it's Panic at the Disco

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