Characters theme songs

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Ayo!! I know this is a little different but I've trying to think of new plots instead of using cliches so this is what I got now but I am working on a new chapter though but I don't know when I will finish and published it but oh well this will have to do. 

(Note I haven't  watched Jess's Channel in years so these may not be all too accurate)

Garroth: Be Alright by Dean Lewis

The reason why I chose this song for Garroth was because of how much he deeply loved Aphmau and he tried to be happy for her and Aaron but he stills love her even though he already knows it isn't going to happen.

Zane:  Emperor's new Clothes, Panic! at the Disco

The reason I chose this song for Zane was because of how dark and evil he is and he would kill anyone in his way (This song is for MCD Zane so don't come @ me)

Katelyn: Wonderland, Natalie Kills

I chose this song for Katelyn because she's a very strong woman who you wouldn't want to mess with as we seen her being strong in almost every series.

Vylad: My blood Twenty one pilots

We don't know all that much about Vylad but judging him in MCD we could see that he wants to help Garroth with anything and everything which this song is perfect for him

Aaron: Far too young to die Panic! At the Disco

I chose this song for Aaron because in MCD we could see that he didn't care if he lived and died since he lost everything and everyone he ever loved which made him reckless because he didn't have anything else to lose.

Laurance: Ride Twenty one pilots and This is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco

The reasons why I chose these songs for Laurance was because of all the pain and suffering he had while he was being tortured in the Nether and how much his love for Aphmau was one of the reasons for his pain

Sooo this is all I have right now and I just wanted to give you guys something to actually read because of how much of a procrastinator I am and I felt bad so do you guys to any characters and do you agree with this list? If not, what song would you given any of these characters??

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