Raising Harry

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1K! I honestly can't believe it. Thank you all so much for reading and I'm so sorry this is sooo late. Thank you to lovetoread1902 for the inspiration. Special thanks to those who have voted or added this to their reading lists, it means so much to me. I just rechecked and there are over 2K reads! This is for me hitting 1K but it took like a year to write this so thanks again.

Harry was five when he went to live with his Uncles. He would have found it strange as Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had often complained about them being his only family, but the no asking questions rule stopped the thought. He was confused though by the two men. One was short with long black hair, skinny jeans a leather jacket and grey eyes. He had a lot of energy, especially compared to the other man. The other man was tall, with short light brown hair and no clear eye colour. He has scars over his face but doesn't look threatening with his old but soft clothing and large bags hanging under his eyes.

"Hi Harry, I'm Sirius and that's Remus. I know they're weird names, but you can call me Uncle Padfoot or something similar if you like. And you can call him Uncle Moony too." The shorter man said.

"Look I know this is weird," the taller man, Remus, said while placing a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "We won't take you from your Aunt and Uncle right away, but we'll come every weekend. We can get to know each other and then you can choose where you want to live."

Harry simply nodded, resisting the urge to beg them to take him away. His cupboard was small and sometimes spiders would be in there. It was clear that his Aunt and Uncle would never fully love or even accept him.

"Can't you just take the boy now?" Asked Uncle Vernon. He was angry. These men had turned up not five minutes before, on a motorcycle no less. He knew they were magic and also suspected that they were in a not so platonic relationship. He needed the freaks away from him, his family and his house before they could cause any irreversible harm.

Sirius jumped up as he had been crouching to talk to Harry, ready for a fight. Remus squeezed his shoulder and did the talking.

"I am sorry Mr Dursley, we just want to ensure this is the best experience for Harry possible. We understand that it would be hard, especially for someone his age, to be suddenly uprooted and live with strangers."

"Well, deicide what you are doing quickly. You wouldn't want to overstay your welcome." Aunt Petunia replied in her shrill voice.

"Harry, how would you like to go out and get some ice cream with us?" Sirius asked, speaking only to the small boy. Though he could be hot headed, he had a good idea every now and then.

Harry, happy at the sound of ice cream nodded, a grin spreading over his face.

"Alright that's settled. We will take Harry out to ice cream and talk to him there about what he wants to do," Sirius said, now speaking to the adults. And with that Remus sat with Harry in the side car and Sirius kicked off.

The ride to London was fast, helped by the ability to fly over the traffic. Harry was terrified by this.

"Have you seen any magic before Harry?" Remus asked.

"But, there's no such thing!" was his reply.

"Ah, but how come we're flying?" This seemed to stump Harry.

"Once we stop and get off, we'll explain everything."

The rest of the day was filled with wonder and new experience for Harry. He had no idea that magic had really existed, being told all of his memory of his life that it didn't exist. But Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony were the living breathing proof. So was the hidden ally inside a pub most people couldn't see with the best ice cream he'd ever had. He knew they weren't his real Uncles, but them being close friends with his parents made him feel more related to the strange pair than his real family.

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