Everything I Didn't Say (Luke Hemmings)

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Luke's eyes scanned the people surrounding him as he leaned against the locker. It had been three days since both the Horan twins came to school, "Probably off sick," he thought. It was actually surprising that he found himself missing them, most particularly the girl, Angie Horan. She actually made a good punching bag.

Luke would admit, he was one of the most popular kids in school, for both his amazing skills in football and being a bully. A lot of the students feared him. How he didn't get caught yet was completely beyond him, not that he was complaining. However, everyone also knew that he liked to pick on particularly Angie, for some reason. Luke and his gang knew why though, and as much as Luke would like to deny it,

He liked Angie.

As unbelievable as it seemed, the school's worst bully had a crush on the girl he bullied. And he hated it. But what was he to do? If he ever let his guard down, his reputation would drop. Badly. The school bully couldn't afford to show feelings or kindness. So instead, he resorted to bullying the poor kid in order to make any sort of contact with her. It hurt him to have to do so, but he had convinced himself that it was the only thing he could do; Insulting her, hurting her, breaking her.

He continued his observation, only stopping for a moment to check his fingernails. "Hey," his friend, Michael said, "Luke, I'm pretty sure that she's going to be absent today. Why don't you just go get your books?" Luke shook his head. "Just a few more minutes," he said. Michael sighed but nodded.

Both of them were taken aback when a fist collided with Luke's face. The pair turned to the source of the punch only to be met by an angry Niall Horan; Angie's brother. His eyes were bloodshot and there were still fresh tear tracks on his face. "It's all your fault!" he yelled angrily, "It's all your fault, you heartless bastard!"

Luke was genuinely scared of the Irish blond then. Michael, whilst helping Luke up, was as equal confused. "What— what do you mean?" he asked. "Where's Angie?" Luke added, mentally slapping himself for his unconscious use of Angie's real name instead of an insult.

However, that question only resulted in Niall punching Luke again. "What the hell, man?!" he protested, while Niall stood there, fists clenched and shaking as if trying to hold in anger. "IT'S YOUR FAULT SHE DIED!" Niall eventually yelled before breaking down into sobs. His friend, Harry, whom had been nearby was immediately at his side, trying to soothe the lad while sobs wracked through his body.

Luke felt his heart drop. "What—what do you mean she died?" he asked shakily. "She—she committed s—suicide," Niall said, "I—I was the one who... who f—found her b—body. She... she hung herself, Luke." "No," Luke said, the reality kicking in, "No, no, no!" Tears made their way down his face, a sight that visibly shocked the people who were watching. "Please," he said, "Please tell me it's not true."

Niall shook his head. "It's true," he whispered. Luke sobbed even harder. "When?" he asked. "3 days ago," Niall replied. Luke heaved. "That's why you..." Luke trailed off and Niall nodded. "Tell me, Luke, why are you so interested? You— you hated her?" he asked.

Luke froze. Everyone was staring at him by now, awaiting his answer. He hardened his features. "What are you staring at? Scram!" he yelled, and everyone but Niall, Harry and Michael hurried away. After that, he let put a sigh. "I'm sorry, Niall. I really am," he said, "I... I didn't want her to die." Harry scoffed from where he stood behind Niall. "And yet, you still told her that she was better off dead," he said, "I was there, Hemmings. I heard what you said to her."

"I didn't mean them!" Luke protested and Niall retaliated by punching Luke yet again, this time harder than his previous punches. "You said them anyway. You hurt her. And because of you, my sister is dead. My only sister, Luke! I love Angie, and because of you she's gone," he said coldly.

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