The before

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Quick before: the titles supposed to be "The before" but wattpad's glitching so it won't save. 

Pidge cuddled up to the warmth underneath her (unaware it's lance cuz plot convenience). It started moving and since she didn't want it to leave, she murmured 

"Five more minutes"

"Mmkay" it replied  

Before she knew it, she was lost in slumber again, only to be awoken again by a beeping sound, which turned out to be her computer. They were late.

She fell off the bed, dragging him off with her. She stumbled into the bathroom pulling her clothes on over her head. She fell out of the bathroom and onto the floor, scrambling to get her shoes on. Lance had barely finished getting dressed before they bolted towards the meeting hall.

~~~Timeskip to right before the ball cause I'm lazy and I wanna finally finish the story~~~

Pidge felt uncomfortable in her dress. It had been ages since she wore a dress. Lance however, was bragging the entire time. Pidge was preparing for the dance, they'd decided to go at different times. She clutched her stomach rethinking the whole thing. She grabbed her bayard and her orange phone. Time to go

Lol sorry it's short and srry for the hiatus just season eight recked me

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