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Dear Diary,


I Have been waiting all year for this. I did a lot of things. My step mom still won't talk to me but that's fine. I got a Wii for my birthday and $5, an animal pillow and necklace. Wow!

As you can see the next day went back to normal like nothing ever happened. Except my step mother wasn't talking to me. You will learn how well she is at holding grudges...

I'd just like to say I still to this day do not care about celebrating my birthday. It seems that after this year, my birthdays were always ruined by me getting in trouble.
I would get grounded or my dad would freak out on me.
Or he'd start kicking and punching me.
It was hard growing up thinking that no matter what time of year it is, you're never safe from your own father's wrath...

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