Blood on the Balcony

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"Okay dudette, just put down the gun and we'll only take you into custody, I don't want to have to harm you!" Alfred shouted desperately on the balcony. The blonde woman with cold purple eyes only laughed, she was supposed to be the Belarusian ambassador but turns out she was actually a murderous psychopath hellbent on destroying the Danish one.

"You think I will listen to you? One more step and I'll kill this foolish man!" Alfred tried reasoning with her one more time.

"Look, What's the benefit of killing this guy? Why don't you just come with us and we can try to help lessen your time, how about that doll?"

Her white satin bow bounced on her head as she took a step closer to the window with the terrified Danish ambassador who had some remarkable spiked up blonde hair and blue eyes in her grip. He was trying to break out the woman's grasp who despite being quite thin, had what appeared to be a iron grip. She was strong no doubt it, she had already taken out Tolys, Ravis, and Eduard who had been highly trained professionals. 

The ambassador's eyes darted around frantically as he squirmed, fearing for his life. Her reed-thin blade glinted in the sterile lighting. The blade was pressed dangerously close to the man's throbbing neck. Being almost an inch away from a blade and a certain death on the pavement 50 feet below you tended to scare someone.

"Why do I want this man dead? To save someone else's life ." she replied in a simple-matter-of-fact way.

"All I did was ask, Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot? I didn't know you were a psychopath and one of my friend's dared me! That was a total joke as well because I already have a boyfriend!" he cried. Alfred sighed in exasperation, his glasses sliding down his sweat-slicked face from the intense chase up here. Alfred felt a gloved hand on his shoulder, he turned around seeing his partner of 8 years in the force, Ivan Braginsky. 

Ivan was a big man who came from Russia and always had a smile on his face no matter what was happening. With a love of sunflowers, warm weather, and vodka, he had this unnervingly happy aura that could quickly switch into one that terrified even the strongest of men. Except for Alfred, even at Ivan's worst Alfred only gave his signature laugh and went on as usual.

"Did ya' get the guys to the ambulance?" Alfred asked.

"Da, and how are the negotiations going comrade?"

"Not well, she refuses to respond and she's getting closer to killing this man. If we can't stop her we'll have a full on war!" Alfred ranted with frustration.

"Maybe I can make her stop, da?" he smiled as he started approaching the steely woman.

"Come any closer and I'll stab him!" she shouted calmly, knowing she had the upper hand here. The helicopters circling outside and the forces outside couldn't hit her, for she had the man over a height that he would certainly die from if she released him. And she also had a knife at his throat, so it was up to Alfred and Ivan to save the day.

"So what do you want in exchange for him? What in your eyes warrants the price of this man?" Ivan asked calmly, if he was worried he did not show it. Alfred on the other hand was a wreck. Alfred hated death, he had the belief that no one's really evil, just misguided. He's grown up in Texas and moved around ever since from Maine, Arkansas, New York, Miami, Montana, even a brief move to Hawaii, but had finally settled on Washington D.C. He fit in everywhere he went through, with a bright smile, the sunniest and oblivious attitude and most patriotism you'd ever seen in a man, he was the ideal American. 

He looked the part as well, hair the color of Californian sand, eyes the color of the bright Idaho sky, and an insufferable cowlick that he just couldn't keep down. He always disregarded protocol and never wore his uniform correctly. Despite multiple warnings from Captain Hedervary, he still wore his bomber jacket that his grandpa had scored from WWII and scuffed up sneakers that were never tied.

"I want my sister to be allowed to come here along with free medical treatment. Even though this place is full of bumbling idiots like him, it is still better than Ukraine. Katyusha is sick and her conditions are worsening everyday. Without help she will die, even if the help has to come from these creatures," she stated while pointing at Alfred. This was her first time showing any emotion since the attack, while her voice was not strained her eyes held a sort of desperation, she was going to do whatever it took to get her sister to safety.

"Very well then, release the man and we shall then meet your demands," Ivan persuaded. 

"What are you doing man? You know we can't do anything about that?" Alfred hissed from Ivan's side.

"Hush Alfred, I know what I'm doing, just stand there and look natural, but grab your gun and make sure she doesn't notice" Ivan hissed right back.

"How can I trust you filthy imbeciles, how do I know as soon as I release him you kill me?" she asked, but the hope in her eyes was clear.

"I can't shoot you if I give up my gun, da?" Ivan countered calmly.

"Fine, but keep your hands where I can see them, no sudden movements or I will throw this man off!" she agreed. The man let out a whimper of relief at the fact that his life would not end today.

Ivan slowly removed his gun from it's holster, Alfred gaped at him, his eyes seemingly saying, "Are you crazy?". Ivan only flashed him a wicked grin as he tossed the gun out of the balcony. Alfred suddenly felt a wave of sickening nausea, his face blanching at what Ivan intended for him to do. God, he couldn't shoot her, he couldn't kill someone!  He knew Ivan wanted him to kill her, or seriously harm her enough so that she couldn't hit them..

'Fine, you have my trust," the woman claimed. She released the blubbering man and dropped her blades. Her hands were up in the air in defeat, but her eyes were triumphant.

"I did not wish to kill him, I just wanted Katyusha to be safe," the woman confessed. Ivan only nodded at the woman. Ivan suddenly turned around to face Alfred and shouted,

"Now you American idiot!"

Alfred whipped out his own gun and fired blindly at the platinum haired woman. Her eyes widened in realization that she had been betrayed. She tried to dodge the bullet but it was too late, it planted itself into her chest with a spray of fresh vermillion blood. The Danish man screamed again at the sight.

Crimson flecked her straight blonde hair that flowed so elegantly in the nighttime wind. The blood pooled viciously on her purple dress. She fell down to her knees and stared Ivan right in the eye.

"You lied to me, I trusted you and you lied to me. I deserve this though, but I have one last request: save Katyusha," the Belarusian woman told Ivan with her last breaths. She then collapsed and blood began to seep onto the floor. The ambassador with the spiky hair crawled away and was still stuttering while paramedics swarmed in. A flock of paramedics also attended the fallen woman, but Alfred was pretty sure it was a lost cause.

Alfred still didn't know if any of this was real, he refused to let it sink in, that he was responsible for the woman's death. He only turned and stared at Ivan, his face an unreadable mask. His features betrayed no emotion and Alfred could not find a kernel of remorse of what he had done.

Ivan did not speak, he merely dipped his head in gratitude and strode off to file the report. That was what the weight of what Alfred had done hit him full force and he dropped like the cold dead woman to the floor.

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