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Date unknown

After failing to get through to Breezy, I sat and cried for an unknown amount of time. My phone still said 1:01 pm but it felt like hours had passed. Maybe even days. Nothing was clear anymore. I got myself up, wiped my tears on my sleeve and headed back into the bus. Nothing had changed and I tried to ignore the mess and forget about the driver in the front seat. There was so much blood.

My head was getting worse. I knew there had to be some painkillers somewhere. I went through my bunk, nothing. I checked Ryan's but all he had were sleeping tablets. He'd never been a good sleeper. Rich and Dylan's were also clean but I found a half-full bottle of water in Rich's bunk. This felt so wrong but I didn't know what kind of situation I was in. Awsten's bunk just had a box of Fruit Loops and many Cheeto packets in it. Geoff had nothing. Otto was my saving grace. He had a box of ibuprofen and I held it in my hand for a second. I didn't occur to me before but my hands were numb. I could see I had a box in my hand but I couldn't feel it. The ringing got higher pitched and I screamed, dropping the box and covering my ears. But you can't stop a noise that is inside your head. The last that I saw was the bunks before my vision went black as if someone flicked a switch.

"Dallon. Dallon. Dal!" Ryan yelled through sobs. "Come on. We need to leave" He tugged on my arm.
"We need to get out of here, Ry!" Geoff shouted to him. "Come on, this place is gonna blow" Geoff was in the room now.
"I can't just fucking leave him!" Ryan sobbed, falling to my side.
"Ryan, please. I'm so sorry" Geoff coaxed. "We'll sort all this out. Take your backpack, quick"

My eyes opened slowly, blinking rapidly to try and clear my vision. Once I realised I was awake, I sat up and looked around for Ryan.
"Ryan? Where did you go?" I shouted. "Ryan?" A sharp pain went through my head and I lifted my arm to touch the back of my head. It was bleeding. I'd bashed my head on the bunk behind me when I passed out. That was the last thing I needed. I grabbed the box to painkillers once more and opened them. Still sitting on the floor, I popped out two and swallowed them down with some of the water I found. I felt them go down my throat as if they were dry. I gagged. For the first time since I originally woke up, I heard another noise that wasn't myself. Footsteps. I leapt up and dashed towards the front of the bus but my knees gave way and I landed in a pile on the floor. Groaning in pain, I heard the footsteps getting closer to me. I looked up. It was... Ron, our driver?

Ron was stood upright when previously I'd seen him lying slumped on the wheel with his head smashed open. Now, he was standing above me, seemingly fine. What the fuck was going on?
"Are you okay, Dallon?" Ron asked me as I sat up slowly.
"You were dead"
"Nobody's dead here" He held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up.
"What's happening here? Where is everyone?" I rubbed my head again.
"They're with us." he looked around as if he was looking at them all in the eye. "They want you to come back" My brow furrowed. My head was still spinning and white noise slowly started to fill my ears. "What do you mean?"
"They want you to wake up"

I Don't Know How But The Found HimWhere stories live. Discover now