
39 2 1

28th Nov 2019

Even before knocking on the Weekes' front door, I could hear the commotion inside. Breezy answered the door with a smile. I could hear laughter.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Ryan"
"You too" I smiled at her, stepping inside. Before I'd even been in for a few moments, Awsten rushed past me, followed by Amelie and Knox.
"Is everyone here already?" I asked, slipping my shoes off.
"Yep. Come on in" She walked towards the kitchen. I followed, looking into the lounge as I passed. Awsten was being smothered by the kids, Geoff and Otto were watching. I gave them a wave. The kitchen was as spotless as usual, the smells of cooked meat and vegetables filled the air. Dallon was sitting at the table on his phone but when he heard us come in, he looked up and smiled.

"Hey Dal" I greeted him and he tried to get up. "Don't get up" I went over to him. It was coming up to a year since the accident and for the most part, he'd recovered well. However, his lungs had been left in a bad way due to the intense smoke inhalation. He couldn't sing for more than five minutes and needed an inhaler to help combat his shortness of breath. He still used a stick to get around, not because he necessarily needed it, it was more of a comfort item now. I sat opposite him. I'd been a few months since I'd last seen him and he's certainly improved. He looked less skeletal and grey but he still had the same hesitation just before he opened his mouth to say something.
"H-hey Ryan"
"How are you doing? I'm sorry it's been a while" I noticed him watching my every move, hyper-aware of every slight twitch I made, the way my mouth moved.
"I'm o-okay. Ge-getting there" His face twitched into a smile.
"Come on guys," Breezy said, picking up some dishes and heading towards the door. "Ryan," She looked to me, "Give him a hand" She mouthed before leaving the room. I looked back to my friend and he rolled his eyes.
"She th-thinks I'm in-incapable" he stuttered, he grabbed his stick with a shaking hand. I handed it to him and moved so he could hold onto my arm. Seeing him like this made my heart drop thinking about how this time last year, we were on stage in Arizona. I held back my tears and escorted him to the table.

Breezy's dinners never disappointed. We all sat stuffed, intoxicated with wine and laughing our heads off. Amelie and Knox had long gone to the playroom but Knox peaked his head around the door.
"Is everything okay, sweetie?" Breezy asked her son.
"Can Awsten come and play?' he asked timidly. Breezy looked to Awsten and he smiled.
"Sure, give me five minutes," He told him and he ran off.
'They really like you" I said. Awsten laughed. Dallon, who had been quiet for most of the dinner, raised his folk to his empty glass and tapped on it. Everyone looked at him. He stood up slowly, Breezy held her hand out to help him but he declined. He leant on the table to help him stand.
"S-since it's th-thanksgiving, I'd like to-to thank you all for h-helping me th-this past year. Br-Breezy," he looked down to her, "I l-love you so much, you-you're perfect" She started to tear up, as did everyone around the table.
"Waterparks," he looked to the boys, "Thank you f-for being here when you can" Geoff nodded and Otto smiled.
"Love you Dal" Awsten smiled at him. Dallon's mouth twitched into a small smile.
"La-last but not least, Ryan. Y-you try to be here when you can, I appreciate you have a busy life, but you've been h-here when you can be and helped how you could. I love you" My eyes were teared up.
"Baby, your stutter is fading" Breezy looked up to him. Realisation flickered across his face and his eyes filled with tears. She stood up and pulled him into a big hug. Everyone around the table clapped. This man had been on such a big journey and recovery and we were all proud of him, even if we didn't say it enough. I loved him with all my heart.

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