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Ryan's POV

Dec 2nd 2018

I woke up to Geoff shaking me.
"Ryan, come on, we need to go"
"What's the time?"
"That doesn't matter" He started grabbing my backpack, shoving things into it. Rich and Dylan were doing the same. I got out of my bunk and noticed that Dallon's bunk was empty.
"What's going on Geoff, where's Dallon?"
"We crashed, Ryan. The place is pouring smoke. It's gonna blow. Dallon's in the back. The place is filling with smoke. We need to get out of here" he shoved my backpack at me. "Grab what you can" He rushed into the other bunk room and I was left bewildered. I could smell the smoke and it began to make my cough. But I couldn't leave Dallon.

I rushed into the back of the bus and he was lying on the sofa.
"Dallon. Dallon. Dal!" I yelled through sobs. "Come on. We need to leave" I tugged on his arm. He wasn't responding.
"We need to get out of here, Ry!" Geoff shouted to me.  "Come on, this place is gonna blow" he was in the room now.

"I can't just fucking leave him!" I sobbed, falling to Dallon's side. The smoke was starting to fill my lungs. I could hear the sirens of a fire truck outside.
"Ryan, please. I'm so sorry" Geoff coaxed. "We'll sort all this out. Take your backpack, quick" he gave it to me and grabbed my hand, yanking me out of the room.

The main room of the bus was chaos. People rushing all over the place, clothes and personal objects were being shoved into bags and dropped all over the floor. My face hurt from crying and I was aware that I looked like a mess right now. I stood, flabbergasted in my old Kellogg's shirt from my teens that had a curry stain on the front,  some sweatpants and my feet shoved awkwardly into my Vans. People rushed around me. Awsten ran into me as he rushed back into the bunk area. I looked back and the smoke had filled most of what had been the bunk area I shared with my best friend. My eyes stung. Geoff grabbed my shoulders, shaking me.
"We've got to leave Ryan. They'll get him. He'll be okay" I couldn't stop thinking about how much smoke he must have breathed in. Geoff grabbed my hand and dragged me off the bus.

We were greeted by fire trucks and ambulance crew. I was given to a paramedic who wrapped a blanket around me and took me to the back of one of the three ambulances.
"My friend... He's still in there"
"I know Sir, I'm in charge of making sure you're okay" He checked me over but all I could think about was Dallon. I saw firemen and paramedics entering the bus with a stretcher. The paramedic passed me a tissue to wipe my tears. Geoff and Otto were talking to some police officers. Awsten was helping the crew to get what stuff they could out of the storage beneath the bus. I couldn't see Ron. Everything was overwhelming. I didn't know how long it was before Dallon was brought out. He was strapped to a stretcher. My eyes welled up again. They rushed him to the ambulance next to me and I leapt up and ran to his side. The paramedics pulled me back and I screamed at them to let go. Geoff, Otto and Awsten came running over and held me. Awsten was crying too and for one of the first times this tour, he was acting mature.
"Come on Ry..." He guided me backwards and I turned around, leaning my head into his shoulder and crying into him.

I Don't Know How But The Found HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang