Mate or Date???

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Shaniplier- So first hey, how are you guys and I hope you enjoy this beautiful chapter all you beautiful people!! And whatever you guys say you guys are amazing and beautiful in your own way " I am kind of talking to myself at the moment lol" if anyone reads this you all are beautiful in your own way and don't let anyone put you down I have learned from that, and keep up the PMA guys (positive mental attitude) ❤

Y/n pov

After Amy left I got ready and (i thought about how I lied to them at breakfast and now I am feeling really guilty about it but I had to do it even if it hurts me that I lied to them) then someone knocked me out of my thoughts when there said....

Y/n- huh......oh I AM JUST COMING!!!

I was thinking for that long gosh y/n then I ran down the stairs

Jack- what toke ya so long keeping this "sexy" man waiting
Y/n- hehe yeah wait Shut up Jack (but he is kinda looking sexy I whispered to myself)
Razz- what was that y/n?
Y/n- hehe nothing let's go bowling now hehe
Razz- okay
Razz and y/n- bye guys
Mark- buh bye!!
Amy- bye have a nice time
Y/n- I will
Tyler- bye
Ethan-bye you big goofs
Razz- I am not a goof
Ethan- hehe
Jack- bye have a nice date I mean day hahaha
Razz and y/n- it's not a date Jack

Then we left then it was me and razz I don't know what I was feeling I am not sure what this is I felt it once but not like this

Razz- Popit umm Y/n earth too Y/n we are at the car
Y/n- huh..... oh sorry razzie I was day dreaming
Razz- what about?
Y/n- don't worry about it
Razz- ok

Razz opens the car door

Y/n- thanks Rhys
Razz- it's okay why did ya call me by my real name? normally ya call me by a nickname

Razz gets in his driver's side of the car

Shaniplier- by the way I don't know if razz drives so don't ask me does papa razz drives because I don't know ok

Y/n- I don't know why I did actually
Razz- ok

Razz starts the car up and starts driving to are destination

Razz- so y/n can I ask ya a couple of questions
Y/n- yeah sure
Razz- what's ya favourite drink
Y/n- well fizzy or alcoholic
Razz- both
Y/n- well fizzy I like cola and alcoholic I like desperado
Razz- I don't mind both too be honest
Y/n- ok
Razz- what is ya favourite music?
Y/n- all kinds just some I have to be in the mood for what about you?
Razz- same but I mostly listen to Rock music baby
Y/n- okay
Razz- what's ya family like?
Y/n- how do I explain this my brother is overprotective and really likes designer stuff and works hard his gf is really pretty, girly, someone you can talk to and she works hard, my mum works hard for us but has an illness and so does my trusty older sister she is the craziest of all my family but she loves me and as I said it overprotective!!!
Razz- ya never said anything about ya dad
Y/n- oh him my dad left me when I was 4 years old and he said come find me when I was 16 by the way I didn't go and find him because he cheated on my mum
Razz- oh sorry I asked
Y/n- no it's ok
Shaniplier- by the way what Y/n said is really my family so in real life

Time skips brought by Razzbowski 😁

Razz- hey hey hey y/n we are here
Y/n- ok thanks for letting me know

Razz opens his door and comes over to my side door and opened it and help me out the car

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