Hello Guys

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To all you amazing Readers out there it is nice to talk to you I will be honest with you guys I am so happy with all the views and votes I have for this book ik the votes are alot less the the views but I really appreciate everything guys for the support and the followers that I have gotten you guys are the best and I didn't think this book would get so much love I am so Grateful about that, sorry I haven't uploaded in nearly a year with this book I have been really busy, my mum become seriously ill, I feel like I owe it to you guys for a explanation from me I have thought about writing in this book for along time but so much stuff has happened and now we are in a second lockdown I just haven't gotten round to it I really appreciate the love I have gotten on this book.

I love you guys OJ readers and You newbie Readers I will try and put up another part maybe a last part to the story I will make sure it is long ending for it and everything you guys I will be honest I have had so many ideas I am not sure what to put down on hear or not lol xx

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