Bowling for Life

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Y/n pov
As we got into the bowling ally Razz asked me
Razz- are you alright you seem really quite?
Y/n-oh i just was thinking about stuff  but lets have some fun Razz

In Your head
(Jeez Razz just got everyone Looking at us great what if there fans in here then were fucked)

Back to Realty
Y/n- So Razz what do you wonna do first?
Razz- Gets some drinks so we can get drunk and take this sexy booty home haha
Y/n- (i was blushing like mad) can we just get some drinks and do some bowling please first like you always say in your videos take her on date first a then you can yiff the fox hahahaha
Razz- Oh my gosh Y/n #RecpectTheFox  hahahaha
Y/n- i knew i could get you to say it
Razz- Oh so you wanted me to say that ok
Before i could say anything Someone
???- Razz i didnt know you was coming here for your date
Razz- Bijuu Milk, Lewis and the 2 ryans what you doing here and its not a date Lewis
Dawko- hahaha
Mike- introduce us then Razz
Razz- well this is Y/n and Y/n this is
Before he could finish his sentence
Y/n- i already know who there are i dont just watch your channel you know and you have had them on your channel to hehe
Razz- are you sure you have watched my channel for a year now
Y/n- yeah i am just watching alot of your old series
Mike- by the way nice to meet you y/n
Dawko- Nice to meet you ya mate
8-bitRyan- Whats up nice to meet you
Ryan- nice to meet you
Y/n- Thanks its nice to meet you all to
Atleast i dont have to see you lot on sceen now
Razz- yeah true, So can i hang out with Y/n now
Mike- Ok we will leave you at your date or whatever this is
Razz- ok bye bros see you lot later

So as me and Razz got some drinks and did 10 games got some more drinks joking around and went to the arcade and played some shotting games and mario kart then played some more bowling and had some more drinks
It was 11:30pm and we got an ubar to the park we was drunk as well, we got to the park at 12:00am

We are both chatting Crap
Razz- pokeMon go
Y/n- So.....lets ....catch a Rick Astley
Razz- Never gonna Give you up
Y/n- Never gonna let you down
Razz- why..... are at the park?.....we could get killed by.... Purple Guy or.....Something like that
Y/n- or a ..... yeti
Razz- Jeez y/n....lets go back to mine like now
Y/n- Ok....Boss

30 minutes later we got back to razz's after falling in a few bushes and falling on we got back

Razz- i am so Fucked
Y/n- Same

After talking for five mintues we fell asleep on his living

Time skips brought by Booty Lover

I got woken up firstly by Rhys Dog Kalesee licking my face then the smell of waffles from the kitchen, then the most annoying sound ever my F/c Phone going off ever second then i realized that it was 11:00am then went went into the kitchen.

Razz- How was ya sleep darling?
Y/n- it was alright luckly your floor is not wooden or my head would hurt like hell
Razz- yeah thats true and your phone has been blowing up since an hour ago
Y/n- WAIT you have been up for an hour
Razz- ya phone woke me up by the way hear is you chocolate waffles
Y/n- You must no i love chocolate
Razz- oh yeah may i ask if i can see your arm because when you was asleep i saw a few marks on your arm and i want to see what there are
Y/n- oh shit yeah sure
I rolled up my sleeve
Razz- oh what the fuck did you do to your arm
Y/n- lets just say i have depression and i here voices in my head that forced me into doing this to myself
Razz- is this the first time you have done this
Y/n- no its not i have done this before a Sean got me in the act and toke the knife off of me
Razz- what did you use this i dont want you to do this to yourself y/n it hurts me to see you like this promise you will not cut for me
Y/n- i Promise Rhys i dont want to hurt you ever again Rhys
Razz- okay, to lighten up the convosation what did u think of the waffles
Y/n- there was amazing and i didnt bring any clothes with me because i didnt no i would stay at yours and if its alright if i take a shower
Razz- thanks i am happy you liked them, yes you can have a shower and let me get you a towel and some clothes
Y/n- thanks razz
Razz- its all cool

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