Chapter 10

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*Meredith's perspective*
As Derek and I were walking out of the hospital after a long day of work, after finding out the twist situation, and Cristina and Alex's new babies on the way, I was super tired, and Derek had just finished a 9 hour spinal surgery.
"Hey Mer, how're you doing?" Derek asks, knowing that with twins it can be much more painful and tiring.
"Fine. Not bad. Tired, but fine. " I respond.
"Okay. Let's go home. " Derek says.
"Yeah, sure. Oh wait. I forgot my phone and pager in my locker. I'll be right back. " I said.
"No, I'll go grab it. " Derek insisted.
"You don't know where they are, and I do. I'll be back in ten minutes. If I'm not back here by then, come find me. " I assured him. "I'll be fine, Derek. Don't worry. "
As I walked up the stairs, I started to get this shooting pain in the pit of my stomach. I shook it off and kept walking. I finally reached a landing where I could easily get to an elevator, when I got the same pain, only worse and longer. 'I can't be miscarrying, can I?' I thought. And I didn't. I walked out of the stair way, got on an elevator, and found the nearest bathroom, and vomited my lunch up. Then I sat on he nasty hospital floor, with my head against the stall, with my eyes closed. Then I practically doubled over in pain.
Thankfully, due to my screaming, Cristina was walking by, heard me, ran in.
"Meredith? Are you okay?". I heard her yell.
"Ahh! No!" I yell back.
"Which stall?". She commands.
All I can do is stick my hand under the door, hoping that she can see it.
She runs over right away, crawls under the stall next to me, and under that divider, and unlocks it. After doing that, she looks at me, and then her expression changes from worried to horrified. "Oh my gods, Mer! Did you get your period?".
"No, I'm pregnant, remember?" I barley choke out. Then a thought dawns upon me. "Shite. Derek is not gonna be happy. " I murmured.
"You told him?".
"Well, yeah. " I say.
"Shite," I say, looking at my watch. "It's been more than ten minutes. And I miscarried while going to get my phone and pager. The two most important things I need. Go, Cristina, he should be in the attending lounge. Or text him. Whatever. Just go tell him what happened. "
She gets up with out responding besides telling me not to go anywhere and that she'll be right back. I try to stand up, but my legs are really weak, and I felt dizzy. I heard the bathroom door open again, and see Cristina's shoes. She pushes the door open and hangs a fluid drip on the hanger thing on the door, and inserts the IV. "Don't move. "
Then Derek runs in.

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