Chapter 7

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"Hey there. Why did you faint?" Derek asks me once I get back to our room.

"I am pregnant with twins, according to Addison. And I was dehydrated, and I have a slight cold. That's why." I said somewhat coldly.

"Oh. Okay. So, what I was going to say was, well, before you just said that you were pregnant with twins, is that we should adopt again. But I'm entirely sure that would be a good idea. Unless you wanted six kids, which I'm pretty sure that you don't. Unless you do, but I really don't know, since we tried so hard a while ago, and now there are babies left and right. So what do you want to do?" Derek asks me.

I shake my head, not knowing how to respond. "Well, if Alex and Cristina want, they could adopt one of the babies once I have them, and then we'll know that they'll be good parents. That's one option."

"True. Wait, don't they have out kids right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, do you want to bribe Bailey into letting us drive home? I can call for a car to get us and drive us home. Or I can text Crstina to ask if she can drive us home. If that works for you."

"That works. Go text her. I'll bribe-HOW ON EARTH WILL I BRIBE BAILEY?!?!?!?!?!"

"With really cool surgeries, and that you'll be on her service for as long as she wants you to be. That's how." Derek says.

"Hey nurse, can you page Dr Bailey for me please?"

"Yes Dr Grey. Of course." The nurse repiles.

"Thank you."

"She says that she'll be up here in a minute, she just has to close up."

"Thank you."

"Anytime, Dr Grey."

Bailey walk in about ten minutes later.

"What did you want Grey."

"I wanted, needed to go home and rest in the confort of my own bed, and see my kids. I will be on your service as long as you want me to, and I will be the best resident that you will ever have. And until I get back up to par, you can have all of my surgeries, as long as I can observe, and possible asist on the complicated ones. This is the deal I'm presenting you, and if you don't take it, I will mess up routine procedures, and forget everything. If you want me to fail against my mother, that's fine, as long as you know how I will feel, to have failed in honour of my mother, Ellis Grey, the world renown general surgeon." I say confidently, and use my periferal vision and see Derek has a small smile on his face, clearly trying to hide it from Bailey.

"Okay. I will take you up on your deal, Grey. As long as when you come back, you will be fully recovered, and will not complain about my genome mapping. Got it?"

"Yes Dr Bailey. I understand your conditions very clearly. Now may I please have our discharge papers?" I ask.

"Yes. Here they are. Do you need me to get you a car, or do you have that all set?" Bailey Asks.

"Yes, Dr Bailey. I have that all under control. Well, Derek does, anyway." I reply.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure."

"Thanks for your concern Dr Bailey." I say.

She nods and walks out of the room, and down the hallway.

"That was quite the speial, there, babe."

"Thanks, hon. That was improv." I said.

"All set and ready to go! Wait, guys, where are you? Zola, Bailey and Emilia are all here... where are you...?" Cristina says, worrily.

New BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora