Chapter 2

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Anyway, I promptly get a page from Bailey, from the pit saying that there's an incoming trauma. And to page dr Shepard. 
As I start running down to the pit, I see Derek. 
"Hey, you're needed in the pit. Multiple head traumas and possible GSW to the chest, and grab Cristina from Owen!" I say as I take a detour in the restroom to hurl.

After that, I run down to the pit, grab a trauma gown from the rack, and go to trauma 1, where Derek is giving a consult and then saying to bring him down to the OR. 
"Grey! Call the OR team and tell them to prep for a craniotomy and tell a nurse to page Yang. There might be a GSW to the chest once we get the portable x-ray down there." He says as he's backing out of the trauma room. "And go scrub in. I'll need your help.".
"Okay. Yes Dr. Shepard! On it!!".

Yeah total. "Meet you guys down there in ten? I have to do something quickly.". 
I quickly squirt some Purel onto my hands and then take a stroll down to the clinic. I find my way through the maze of interns and to the shelves on the other side of the room. I walk by and snag a test and stick it into my lab coat pocket. I then scramble to get out of the clinic before anyone catches me and then take, yet another, detour to the the ladies room. Standing at the sink a few minutes later, I get the plus sign thing that means that your pregnant. 'Crap, I need to get to that surgery. Derek must need me by this point.' 
I take a left and then a right and then take the elevator to the floor with the OR's. 
I see them just starting to work in OR 1, so I scrub in and then open the door. 
"Great timing Dr. Grey. Just perfect. Would you like to drill the burr holes so we can start this thing off?" 
I only nod in reply. 
"Alright people. It's a beautiful night to saves lives.". Derek says as I begin the scallop like shaped incision through the skin and muscle. After Derek peels back the skin flap, I take the brain drill and make five small burr holes in a somewhat circular pattern in the area of the open part. Then, I take this thing that will cut the skull from one burr hole to the next. 
The next moment there's sudden a qualm in my stomach. I ask to be excused for a moment. 
"Dr. Grey."
"And where would be going?". Asked my loving and sometimes over protective husband. 
"I need to use the bathroom. I think whatever I are last night isn't sitting well with me at the moment. Don't worry. I'll be back in five minutes." 
"Fine. Just tell me what it was later so I make sure not to make it again."
I nod again, then duck out of the room. 
Sighing as I swilled off my scrub cap and the mask, I out them in the "trash" bin at the door. I just sit outside of the scrub room until Derek comes out. 
"Hey, you didn't come back in, and I was worried. What's up Mer?". 
"I-I'm. I'mpregnant.". I blurt out. 
The only reaction I get from him- 
"Uh, wow. When did you find out?". 
"Right before the surgery. And this morning. That's why I was throwing up all morning, Derek. That's why." I said defensively.

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