Chapter 22

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A/N: Sorry about the messed up chapter titles and stuff. Also sorry about the spelling mistakes! So back to the story...
As I lead Meredith to the on call room, I can hear her sniffles behind me. Once were both in the room, she goes and sits down on a bed and hangs her head toward her chest.
"Meredith, love, I know life has changed so much through the years that we've worked here. But we do have a very fortunate life. We have Zola, we had Bailey, Kate and Mia. We had Bailey, Kate and Mia after people told us that it was impossible. We have four amazing children, we have a beautiful house, and you have Cristina and Alex. George died, Izzie left, and Addison butted in on us. I do put myself responsible for that. I should have told you that I was married. But look at us now. Look at all that we've gone through. The place crash, loosing Mark and Lexie. The hospital shooting, Cristina and Jackson saved me, you saved Owen and you lost a child that day too. I wish that none of that has happened, but all of that is what makes us who we are today. Meredith, love, we have everything we've ever wanted. We have a fairy tale life." I convince my wife.

"I know Derek, but I'm just to nervous about everything. Bailey cutting his foot, Kate's head... Shite, I need to page Alex or Arizona. I'll be right back," she says as she runs out to the nearest nurses station and asks a nurse to page one of them. I assume.

A/N: This is going to be a short update, but I WILL write more! I promise!

Instead of paging Arizona or Alex about Kate, I go into the hallway, and to the nearest nurses station. I pull my phone out and call Addison.
Ring ring "Hello, this is AddisonMontgomery. Who's this?" Addison says.
"Hey Addi. It's Meredith. I need a favor. " I say.
"Oh hey Mer! I wasn't expecting you to call! What do you need?" She asks, as I proceed to tell her what I need her to do. The next thing I hear is Addi telling me that she'll be coming in by helicopter in the next four hours.
"Oh my gods Addi. You're literally a lifesaver. Thank you so much. " I say.
"Any time, Mer. Ill see you guys soon," Addi says.
"Bye Addi, see you in a few hours. " I say and I hang up. I go back to where I left Derek.
"So how did Alex or Arizona respond? What's wrong with Kate?" Derek asks.
"Well, I didn't exactly page Alex or Arizona..." I confess. "I called Addison.".
Derek just nods and starts pacing the room.
"Why the hell would you call Addison, when we have Arizona here, Meredith. You confuse me to much. Addison is a neonatal surgeon, and an infant surgeon. Arizona is a pediatric surgeon, meaning kids. Kate is not an infant anymore. She's a few months old.". Derek tried to reason with me.
"I know, Derek. But it's not that I don't trust Arizona, but Addison understands me and she's a sister that I can relate to since Lexie died in the plane crash. Come on, Derek. That's got to count for something, right?" I ask my husband, who is still pacing the small room.
My phone buzzes, interrupting the silence. I pull it out, and see who texted.
'Hey Mer! It's Addison! The pilot says that we'll be at the HeliPad in about 15 or 20 minutes. Get Kate near there so I can do a quick eval and check her out. I'm here for you. Remember that Meredith Grey. And don't let Derek get mad. He's probably pacing the room right now, making you dizzy. Listen, do what you feel is best. Thanks for calling me. C U soon!'

"Derek, I'm going up to the HeliPad to wait for Addison. Are you coming or not? I also have to go get Kate from the NICU for Addi. You can either stay here, or come with. It's your choice. " I say as I open the door and walk towards the NICU. I hear footsteps behind me that belong to Derek's sneakers.
"I'll come. " He confirms.
"Follow me, then Dr Shepard. " I say as we head up the elevator towards the HeliPad. We step out, just as the helicopter is landing. After the copter lands, we see the door open and a heeled foot step out, and another and then Addison, with her red long hair blowing everywhere.
Kate's sleeping in my arms, as we watch Addison walk over. We all get back into the elevator.
"So is this little Kate?" Addison asks. We both nod. "She's beautiful. Can I hold her?" She asks. I nod, and carefully hand her over to Addison. I can feel Derek stiffen beside me.
"Thanks for coming up Addison. It really means a lot to me. " I say, as Kate gets settled in Addi's arms.
"Anytime Meredith. Thanks for the call. I've been wanting to come back around here lately. I just needed a reason to escape from sunny California. " Addi says.


I look around the HeliPad, and see Meredith and Derek, both had worried looks on their faces.  Meredith's relaxed somewhat when she saw me walk over.  

"Thanks for coming, Addi."  Meredith says.  

"Anytime Meredith.  Thanks for the call.  I've been wanting to come back around here lately.  I just needed a reason to escapr from sunny California."  I say.  "So let's have a look at Katie here."

I take put my pen, and check her eyes, they dialated just fine, so no neurological damage.  I pull out an ear and nose light, and check her ears and everything.  (Sorry for being vague, i don't know the actual terms for everything.)  Kate starts to grab at Addi's hair, and Meredith and Derek are both shocked.  They look at eachother, and then back at Katie.  "Derek, Meredith, what's wrong?"  I say slowly.  

It was Meredith who spoke first.  "Addi, what did you do?  Katie's never done that before.  How did you get her to do that?"  I hear her ask, totally amazed.  

I look to Derek for confirmation, and he nods in agreement.  

"So, you mean to tell me that this is the first time that little Katie has ever grabbed for something?"  I ask, again, slowly.  

They both nod.  "How old is she?" I ask.  

"Katie's 7 months old."  Derek says, clearly realising that she should have done this a while ago, around 4 months old.  He looked at me, with a worried look on his face.  I give him a reassuring look.  

"Addi, is there any reason why Katie didn't start grabbing until now?"  I ask.  

"Well, I'm not sure, so we'll have to do an MRI to check, but I don't think it could be anything to worry about.  I'll take her down to radiology, and have the MRI done.  Derek, I know this might be hard for you to see, but if Katie does need surgery, you can not be the one to do it.  You can supervise, but you can't actually opperate.  Either Amy or I will have to do it.  It's your pick, Derek."  I tell him.  

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