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I haven't seen Harry in a good week or so. I'm starting to not think about him at all and I'm GLAD. This is how it always goes. I'm obsessed for a few days and then by next week I'm over it.

My friends told me I should get a tinder.

I told them I have too much pride.

They told me I should get a Grindr.

There's no way.

I got to my classroom and unlocked the door, we were getting to the part of the year when all my classes started their projects

Smooth sailing from here. I've been in a good mood lately, I'm even thinking of letting the students talk quietly while they work.

My first class was freshmen, their big project is going to be something simple, I'm just having them do a perspective drawing of their choice.

I set out rulers and fresh pencils, big sheets of paper on the table against the wall.

They were always so excited the first day of a project.

I logged on to my computer and got everything set up, ate a little fruit. Ten minutes later it was 7:45 and the students were allowed in the building. They wouldn't get to my classroom until about 8 probably, but that just gives me a little time to get things together.

I made sure the camera cabinet was locked, the freshmen just look through the cabinets if they can't find something. One year a camera got broke. That was not good.

Monday's always have such a slow start.

Once the class got settled in and the bell rang I told them we were starting their first big project. They were obviously excited, talking about what they would do and if they should do matching drawings and such.

"Hey now, quiet down," I sat down and turned off the projector, "Left side of the room, go get your paper, right side get your pencils and rulers,"

They scurried from their seats and got their supplies, I told them to switch and they settled back into their seats waiting.

"Draw a horizon line on your page," I had to draw it on the board to show them what I meant, "Put a dot on the line, wherever you'd like. I usually put mine in the middle," I turn around to see the students just watching, "That's the line you're going to draw everything towards," I motioned for them to go ahead and start, a few of them raised their hands.

I had to start a few of the students. A few were already starting on their structures.

You can tell early on who's going to be signing up for the advanced classes next year.

A girl across the room raised her hand, I went over to help her.

She was silent when I got to her.

"Did you need something?"

Her friends giggled quietly behind her.

"Uhhh, when is Mr. Styles coming back?" She asked meekly. Her friends were trying to hold in their laughter.

"I haven't a clue, is that all?" I hate my life.


As I walked away I heard an explosion of whispers behind me. Saying they couldn't believe she actually asked me that. These students are aging me.

I know they all think he's gorgeous.

I do as well. It would be impossible not to think so.

Too bad for them I'm almost positive he's gay.

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