Chapter 1: Rememberance

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As the sun comes over the horizon Vision stands looking at the sunrise on the roof of the compound picturing it in his mind thinking of him and Wanda under a tree on a hill watching the sunrise. He thought it was weird to have cute dreams. He laughed a bit. "Vish" he heard a voice calm and beautiful...It was Wanda. "Yes" he said on the inside his heart warming to have another day to know she's alive and well. "What are you doing?" saying smiling as she obviously knew the answer. "Watching the world birth, a new day" he said. "I didn't ask for a page in a book of quotes" she joked. He saw her sigh of depression as today was the 2nd anniversary of Pietro's sacrifice for Clint. He put his arm around her and made her smile again.

It was 6:31 in the morning and only Wanda, Vision and Clint were up preparing the flowers for Pietro's grave. Wanda went to her room and Vision went to wake the others up to get ready. Wanda had just closed her door when she breathed in hard and closed her eyes to calm herself down to not tear a hole in the compound. But closing her eyes made it worse as when she did all she can remember is her parents and Pietro's death and through her powers Vision was alerted she was upset and flew through the walls just as he was to wake Thor. When he made it to her room she was on the floor in a ball uncontrollably crying then Vision held her hand and she sat up. Vision got her box of tissues of her dresser and she smiled a bit.

Then once she calmed down she asked Vision about what dress she was going to wear. A scalloped black dress or the dress she wore on Sokovia when he died. He chose the 2nd option and went to get a rose to put on it. She then looked in the mirror and saw Vision in his jumper and black trousers trying to make himself look formal and she thought he was human till he saw his head. He then put his arm around hers and walked her to the back door with the other Avengers Clint woke up after he flew off to calm Wanda. Vision opened the door, and everyone walked with the flowers they picked up to his grave under a tree. Clint even had a flower of the boy who Pietro saved to sacrifice himself as he has grateful that he would do that.

After that everyone left, and Vision and Wanda were still standing there. Whilst Clint was leaving he said, "When do you think he'll propose?" then Nat slapped him on the back of his head and said, "Zip it Clint, give them time". Even though Vision never truly had a talk to Pietro he felt like he's known him for years through tales of everything that could be remembered of him...through Wanda and how she told the stories and he pictured it all in his head every detail of her words, so he knew how she felt.

But that was how it was...months ago.

It was a rainy day in Edinburgh and Vision stayed with Wanda in a room in a hotel to keep her from being taken back to the raft to protect her. It was 6:00 in the morning and Vision brought a cup of tea to Wanda's bedside they have been there for 5 days now and have not been outside in case someone with the UN was undercover to try and find the escapists. Wanda opened her eyes as to the smell of tea and with a smile Vision said, "Morning Wanda". With a look of happiness, she had not felt since being locked up in the Raft she smiled and grabbed the cup and had a drink whilst Vision opened the curtains.

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