Chapter 3. All about water

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*William's point of view*

*Inside of William's Canada*

Are you gonna tell them about us Alistair asked sitting in a throne like chair that he demanded William create for him because he said "His legs was tired" and only after William told him at least five reasons why that is impossible he finally gave up the fight and created a chair inside his mind for Alistair to sit on while he William that is did the actual running.. He stopped halfway to New York .. in Canada to order something from the cafe he hasn't eaten in 18 hours he was starving .. And was now eating his cheese burger with fries and milkshake .. Mint flavoured

There is no us Alistair there is just me and my annoying personality.. William informed him ..

Excuse you .. I am as much a part of this body as you how dare you I can't even look in the mirror right now ..Alistair said

Oh stop being such a drama king .. We both know you are just here for the action once it's over you will slither away to wherever the hell it is you go.. William said

Translation I am there when things get tough Alistair said..

Yes to screw my life up even more William said .. Finishing his meal..

I screw your life up... You would not have even been here if I didn't go in and identified your dead parents your welcome .. Alistair sneered at him

So you did one thing right congratulations William said paying the bill ...

If I didn't exist your parents would have been gone gone gone long time ago we both know it.. Alistair said

Yes and if I was home with them we could have been there we could have stopped them and I hate myself no I hate you .. We we could have saved then..Alistair we could have ..William said

I know ..Alistair said.. as William walked the streets of Canada he did not want to admit it to Alistair but was tired of running ..

I never should have agreed to do that stupid switch .. William said..

But you did because you are you and your brother needed you.. Alistair said

But at what cost if I didn't go to the house of night .. I would have been in school and gone straight home.. I could have stopped it. William said

Or we would be dead last time we barely got out alive not to mention that if Robert didn't step up and use his power we would be fried... Also we both know the darkness is getting stronger and gather allies and multiplying there numbers.. Alistair said..

I just wish there was a way we could be a step ahead instead of three steps behind William said as he walked onto something solid..

Lets not forget what this is really about.. Alistair said

Do enlighten me William said

It's about the fact that you would not last a day without me Alistair said

Wanna bet William asked changing the chair into a cage and locking Alistair away in it ..

William no don't do this please I can't breath you know I hate being closed in please let me out let me out Alistair screamed...

*In Reality*

STOP.. A man screamed .. Stopping William in his tracks ....

So this is how you want to die crushed by a mundane automobile the man said

Who who are you William asked trying to refocus his thoughts..

I am Stiles Stillinski your guardian against any all threats like for example death by automobile would not look good on my future job applications.. Who are you... Stiles asked looking past William ..

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