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I grumbled under my breath as a skeleton in a lab coat led me into a blank white building. I recognized him as Science Sans, or Sci for SHORT. Pun intended. The guy is much smaller than me, but I was cuffed with magic restraints so I couldn't do anything. I heard sounds of screaming and panicked whispers nearby. I quickly realized they were putting me in an asylum. 'Great' I thought, glaring at anyone who dared look at me. I saw Ink sitting at the front desk and groaned when Sci led me to him. He clamped a band on the upper part of my wrist and I noticed it would slide down when I was uncuffed. Correction; IF I was uncuffed. It was a smooth, crimson red. I saw a chart behind the desk and decided to read it. It said yellow was the safest, orange was minorly unstable, and red was majorly insane and unstable. 'Great..' I thought again, hating every bit of this. I was then led down the large hallway. I saw a lot of monsters in the rooms, two in each. Sci brought me to a cell at the very end of the hall, uncuffed me, and quickly threw me in. I rubbed my wrists a little bit before standing and looking around at my cell. There was blood in splotches on the wall, and two mattresses in the far corners. I noticed another, slightly smaller skeleton on one of the mattresses and took two steps closer to examine him. He was slightly smaller than me. He had a large hole in his skull with dried blood around it. He was wearing similar clothing to mine, just covered in blood instead of dust. He had a red band around his right wrist. "GREAT!" I yelled, not bothering to think it for the third time. The skeleton's eyes snapped open and he quickly sat up. He instantly glanced at my wrist and backed up a little bit. That's when he growled, got on all fours, and jumped at me.

I easily dodged the attack, seeing as it was slightly sloppy. He instantly turned around and jumped again, me dodging again. This went on for a while before he gave up. He went back to his mattress and started scratching the wall. "So um... what's your name?" I asked. He didn't move, just said "Horror" quietly. "Welp, I'm Dust. Uh... why are you here?" I asked, thinking I might as well make allies in a place like this. "I went insane over lack of food and started eating everyone in my AU. I was finishing off licking my brother's bones clean when they found me." he explained, still focused on the wall. I silently gagged. "You?" he asked out of the blue. "I murdered everyone in my AU, even tortured some of them. Like Chara." I explained, the mention of that demon child making me shiver. "So we're pretty similar, huh?" Horror commented, finally turning to face me. "Yeah, I guess." I replied, sitting on the opposite mattress. "So what now?" I asked, curious as to how monsters kept themselves occupied here. Horror crawled over to me and whispered "I'm escaping tonight, if you wanna come with me" His voice sounded even more beautiful up close. "Uh.. sure?" I whispered back as he crawled to his mattress and started scratching the wall again.


I wouldn't admit it right away, but eventually I worked up the courage to tell myself I was taking a liking to this guy. He resembled me in a lot of ways, and he had this fake-confusion feel to him. It was obvious he was utterly insane, but he seemed to be able to control himself better than some other monsters here. He reminded me of myself, able to keep his composure like I can. I scratched my wall for the remainder of the day until it was finally time to escape.

Our Colors Don't Define Us ~Horror x Dust~Where stories live. Discover now