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We were heading down the hall when I heard a yell from the other end of it. I instantly recognized the voice as my other brother, Ink. 'This oughta be interesting~' I thought, turning around. His angry eye sockets were soon filled with that wonderful fear and stress when he noticed me. "Wh-why'd you let HER out?!" he yelled. I found that a little offensive... "Because we're getting out of here! Her included!" Killer yelled back angrily. I'm pretty sure that's that one guy... yeah I broke his leg once! It was fun~ "You're all insane, you're dangerous out there!" my brother screamed at us. His voice had anger, stress, and fear at the edges. He was shaking rapidly, staring at me. It got me a little angry, I hate it when people stare at my eyes. I quickly summoned a bone behind him and hit his skull with it, knocking him out. No one questioned it as we continued toward the door. It had bright red letters above it, reading LAB. Although... "Brother, may I go for a while..? I have some.. Unfinished business to attend to~" I asked my brother. He gave me a look, knowing exactly what I wanted, and nodded. I instantly teleported to her cell. "Why hello there~" I whispered, starting the torture.


I let her go torture Break... I don't know why but she'd always wanted to. She called it business, so I'd guessed it was because of a past between them or something. Even so, they used to be best friends! But Nova didn't ever tell me much, so I didn't bother asking. "Is she..?" Killer asked me at a low volume. I just nodded. Apparently Killer knew why. At first I was a bit jealous that Nova would tell him and not me, but I got over it. They are best friends now after all... we waited for a while before Nova came back, covered in dust and blood. A lot of it. She was even licking some blood from her "lips". "Alright, we can go now~" she whispered. We were all giving her disturbed looks, especially Dust, but we went through the exit door and came face-to-face with THEM. Insanity's mom and aunt... Petal and Void.


Seeing them made my soul burn. I hated them, especially Void. Correction: ONLY Void. Void brainwashed Petal or something, but still. Void had tortured all of us and forced us to watch each other pass out in blood... it wasn't very nice. I mean yeah, I'm used to blood in general, but watching my friends get tortured being able to do NOTHING about it? That terrifies me. And Void knows it. Void stood there, a smirk on her face, while Petal stood to the side expressionless. "Why hello there.. back for more already?" Void said, slurring her words a little bit. "You've attempted this so many times, an extra skeleton only makes it harder~" she continued, obviously trying to freak us out. It didn't work. Well... at least not for most of us. Void was the only thing or person that could scare Nova. Nova is terrified of Void. I have no idea why, but she is. I saw Nova shaking rapidly, staring with blank yellow sockets at Void. Yep, definitely terrified. Dust looked a little startled, but not scared. I admired the guy, tibia honest. "We don't care, we're all getting out of here Void!" I said, standing my ground. "Hehehe... well then.. We'll see about that~" Void purred. Suddenly, everything faded out. The last thing I saw was everyone collapsing, Nova breaking part of her already cracked skull.

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