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HOLY SH*T I'M BACK PEOPLE! BACK AND BETTER THAN I'VE BEEN IN MY LIFE! I am so sorry for keeping y'all waiting for eons.. I doubt anyone's even reading this XD Anyway, Imma post like six chapters at once for those who somehow still like this damn book... AND I'M CHANGING MY FLIPPIN USERNAME! I no longer need as much help as before.. and thank you to the people who have supported me up to this point! Now without further ado... LET'S GET ON WITH THIS SH*T!



After a few moments of hesitation, everyone but our newcomer Dust pointed at me. "UgH.. FiNe..." I groaned, though I knew it was because I was her brother. Horror picked the lock and I cautiously stepped in. There was no mattress, just remains of it. Nova was sitting in the middle of the room innocently, although insanity filled her eye sockets. "Uh.. HeY sIs..!" I whispered. She looked up slightly, staring into my eye sockets. Even as her brother, I'm still terrified of her. Especially her eyes. They were reverse of mine, and my own eyes scared me so... "So UmMm... We NeEd To GeT oUt Of HeRe. ThE gRoUp PlUs AnOtHeR nEw FrIeNd ArE wAiTiNg OuTsIde" I explained. She didn't move for a bit, just blinked, before finally speaking. "Oh? A new friend..? Have they come to play~" she whispered, her voice slightly high pitched. It freaked me out. "Um N-nO... wE cAn PlAy LaTeR bUt-" I tried calmly explaining the situation to her, but I was cut off by a flying bone pinning me to the wall. "I'll leave after we play brother~" she whispered. The others must have heard, because a few seconds later Dust was stumbling into the room, confused. The bone hanging me on the wall disappeared and I sprinted out the door. We watched and hoped she wouldn't make too much noise. Or worse, kill the new guy.


The girl in front of me was too creepy for my liking. Her eye sockets were staring into my soul... The others had told me to be careful, so I stood guard over myself. Apparently everyone in this hallway had black bands, too dangerous to be kept in the main hall. After a few moments of silence, a battle started. It was my turn first, so I decided to CHECK the girl.


HP: 9999/9999

LV: 999999999


"Yeah that's sure helpful..." I mumbled to myself. It was then Nova's turn. With LV that high, and mine only being 20, this was sure to be a challenge. She was sitting though, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad? She didn't move a bone when suddenly a massive attack came my way. I was minorly prepared, but not for this. My HP quickly dropped to 57/99. Man, she was strong! It was my turn again. I chose FIGHT and shot an attack at her. She didn't take a single bit of damage, and she didn't even move! As soon as it was her turn, she selected FIGHT and another attack shot at me. It was even larger this time. I wondered if this was only half her power, or not even that! She had this calm but menacing and unstable smile on her face that freaked me out. I dodged some bones this time, but my HP still dropped to 32/99. The fight went on for a while before my HP dropped to 1/99. Nova didn't take a single hit, and she hadn't moved the entire time! It was back to her turn. She pressed MERCY and selected spare. She pulled up a different screen that I couldn't see, but eventually I was good as new. "That sure was fun~ You're quite the challenge Dust!" Nova squeaked. I turned to her and she had finally stood up. "Now come.. We don't want to keep your new friends waiting do we~" she whispered, bouncing out of her cell as if nothing happened between us. As I walked out, Error was hugging Nova tightly. "Good to see you too, brother~ Thank you for letting me have some fun first though!" Nova said in a creepy but almost cute voice. Like a child. (Don't worry this is still Dust and Horror ship... not my OC) Horror came and hugged me so tight I thought my ribs would break. "I'm so glad she didn't kill you!" he whispered, gripping me firmly. I felt my face warm up and started wondering if I might be sick from that fight with Nova. Error looked at him hugging me and smirked. I didn't understand why, so I gave him a confused look and he skullpalmed. "We might as well get going then. I kinda want to see daylight" Killer mentioned, and we headed toward another door. "FREEZE!" we heard a yell down the hall. 'Should've known this was too easy so far...'


One down. Five to go!

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