Chapter 4

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Riding with Niall, Liam, and Louis was better than i thought. Accept the fact that Liam and Louis were arguing about some girl that asked them both out on two different days, while fucking with the other one week after asking them out. Niall on the other hand was just paying attention to the dark road that looked like it led to know where but the scary looking woods.

''Hazza, are you sure we're going the right way? I mean this road is kind of creeping me the fuck out mate, i swear if we end up being kidnapped and raped to death than i'm going to end up killing you before i'm raped again.'' I looked over at Niall who was driving and coming up with these stupid rape stories. Why did i choose to sit in the front with him again? I rolled my eyed while looking down at the map, it's true that i don't really know where we're actually going since i never really drove myself down here before. My mum and dad would usually bring me down here when i was younger so i can play in the lake and have friend's over for example....Liam, Louis, and of course grouch arse niall. ''You should know this by heart in the first place since it's your childhood place.'' I started feeling myself getting annoyed from niall's stupid talking, he can't just shut up for once without bitching huh?

''I was fucking little Niall you can't expect me to fucking remember everything and besides smoking pot all day and everyday doesn't help either.'' I chuckled while looking down at my cell just to see there was still no text from my fucking so perfect boyfriend. I rolled my eyes while looking back outside, i bet niall noticed too cause he took a deep breath while stopping at a stop sign which i don't know why since there hasn't been one fucking car out here. 

''Look i'm sorry for snapping ok? I'm just so tired and hungry and you should know that by now. But i tell you what, once we get there than i can help you unload the trunk while those two bickering birds back there fight about some slut at college. I'll even help you make a nice hot bath before Nick get's here, but i'm sure he's just running late cause he forgot something back at his place.'' I bit my lip trying to hold back the smile but i can't just keep a smile from Niall when he's trying to help. 

''Thank you Nialler, that helps a lot i guess. But i'll just run a nice bath for myself and maybe put some music on just to calm the nerves that are taking over my body.'' I looked down at my wrist just to stare at the anchor tattoo, everything about myself has changed ever since i was younger but hey not everyone stays the same you know? I licked over my chapped lips while knitting my eyebrows together. 

''Oh hey i think we're here, finally now i don't have to stay in this damn car for more than another five fucking minutes with this dick head.'' I turned to look over my shoulder just to see liam glaring at louis who was looking outside of the window with his arms over his chest. I took in his appearance, stubby face with hair, nappy head of hair that makes him look fucking hot, white loose tank top with the similar skin tight jeans i wear. But i'm not attractive to louis, not at all. I turned to see Niall looking down at his cell while groaning and throwing his head back just to reveal the sexy adam's apple that bobbed. 

''What's wrong Nialler?'' I asked while patting his shoulder, he looked to the side just to face me while throwing his phone on top of my lap. I looked down seeing the his phone looked dead, chuckling while shaking my head. ''Niall did you charge it before driving?'' I picked his phone up trying to turn it on but it wouldn't which means it must be dead. 

''That and there's no signal out here for some odd reason. Hey you guys check your phones, see of you have any signal at all. I need to have some sort of technology out here or i'm going to die.'' I rolled my eyes pulling out my cell but of course there was no signal. What do you expect though, we're in the middle of the woods in a cabin that doesn't even have a telly. 

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