Chapter 20

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I slowly opened my eyes while looking around at my surroundings, of course i'm still in this psychos house. I wanted to sit up and run, maybe at least try to fight but the last time i tried. My arse was laid out like nothing, he was way to strong for me to even think about hitting again. I looked around to let my eyes take in the dark room that was very quiet....Except for the sound of a chainsaw going off and on every other second. I slowly sat up while leaning up against the cold wall, not even realizing that i was indeed sleeping on a hard concrete floor that made my backside hurt even more.....MY BACK! Biting my lip, i didn't even want to think about the pain or how my back looked right now. I looked ahead from where there was a door and a small little crack that let a bit of light sink through. I wanted to move and check what was going on, but having this much pain in just these past two days was just killing me. I felt something sticky but yet...Just ignored the feeling of being covered in someone else's blood. I could literally see skin stapled to the walls of each corner in this room, teeth hanging from the ceiling as if it was suppose to make this room homey. I felt like puking, digging my eyes out just to stop looking at all these horrible things. That little piece of skin right by the door was what caught my eye, Louis little knife tattoo that held so much emotion. I whimpered while remembering the day he got that, the day he cried so much just because it looked perfect on him. 

''I have to get out of here, i already know the other's are gone or i would have heard their cries for help.''Trying to whisper those words out which didn't work since my mouth was just dry and tongueless, i looked around the blank room while feeling myself wanting to fall back into a sleepless dream. I can't give up, i need to get out of here, for me.....For my friends. The only window in here was boarded up and i know for a fact that there is a trap behind that fucker, so sitting here butt naked and feeling my arse stinging, no not from a great pleasure after having sex...More like someone has torn a chunk of skin from my arse. I know he did, i'm not stupid. I could hear the man laughing behind the door, talking to himself like he usually has been, so i tried my best to crawl up against the closed door and to listen to what he had to say. 

''No, yes, no, yes, I FUCKING KNOW, OKAY?! I WANT TO KEEP HIM ALIVE FOR ANOTHER NIGHT JUST TO HAVE MY WAY WITH HIM! I'M A LONELY FUCKING MAN AND I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME RELEASE MYSELF FROM PLEASURE!'' I wanted to back away from the wooden door that held a crazy man from coming in and seeing me sitting here while listening to his damn voice speak. I cried silently while covering my mouth with both my shaky hands, hearing everything go quiet was what worried me the most. I tried to move away as quickly as i can but the door was already being pulled open. I looked up from where i was sitting only to let out a loud cry when he lifted the chainsaw up above his head with it still running, i swiftly moved out of the way as he brought it down. Watching the wood chip into a million little pieces, i finally got up, ignoring all the pain that have been through. I slipped out from the door as he tried to rip the chainsaw out from the cut up floor. ''GET BACK HERE YOU DIRTY SLUT!'' Trying to run was the last thing i could have done, but instead.....I hid inside a room that looked....Actually looked a bit crowded. So without waiting for the crazy prick to find me, i hid behind a butt load of boxes that looked as if they belonged to a family. Seeing a picture frame in one of them was what brought tears to my eyes. Three little girls, a mum, and a father who were smiling. Then at the bottom of it was the same picture of the family but.....Bruises and battered like they were animals. ''OH JUST FUCKING WAIT TILL I FIND YOU THIS TIME SLUT! I'M TIRED OF YOU TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM ME LIKE THIS, YOUR GOING TO REGRET EVEN THINKING ABOUT RUNNING AWAY WHEN I FIND YOUR NAKED ARSE. TO THINK I WANTED YOU TO LIVE FOR ANOTHER NIGHT AND HAVE DINNER WITH ME!'' I heard his foot steps come closer as he turned the chainsaw off just to have everything quiet. I bet it's to find me, i covered my mouth from whimpering as i peeked through a small hole from one of the dirty boxes. He wasn't there....Still looking, his eyeball popped up right in front of me, Causing me to scream like a girl, i kicked the box with my foot as hard as i can, watching them tumble and fall on top of the insane man. 

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