Chapter 9

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After taking a nice hot sexual shower with Niall, Meeting niall down in the living room. We watched the fire rise, hearing the rain beat down on the roof as niall laughed at something he was looking at on his cell phone. That reminds me......I straightened up from leaning on Niall's shoulder and looked over at his cell to make sure Nick didn't text him or whatever. 

''Hey Niall? My phone is still gone and i think nick texted me, but do you think i can use your cell to call him?'' I was hoping he'd let me borrow it but seeing that he quickly shut it off and threw it on top of the coffee table that my mum and dad had built together out of the tree in the back yard. 

''Oh sorry Hazza, my phone was about to die and i can't have it dying while we're out here alone. Don't want anything bad happening with a dead phone, now do we? Besides like i said babe, Nick would have came instead of calling or texting. So i guess that just shows how much of a good boyfriend he really is.'' I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears, Nick is such a fucking arse. I thought he loved me, well he could have at least told me that he didn't want to be together before i came here.

''I see, well i guess Nick and i are completely over than. If he wants to go out and cheat without letting me know about his situations than i guess i don't need a man like that. He's just lucky that i had stayed with him for so long to put up with his bullshit, i'm gonna make something to eat. You want anything love? Maybe a sandwich?'' I tried to change the subject just to get nick and his stupid face out of my mind. 

''No i'm good baby, we ate not to long ago so now all i want to do is just cuddle on the couch and talk about school. How to you think you did on the economics exam?'' I opened my mouth to speak but once the cabin was filled with light knocks. I looked over at the locked door than back at Niall who shrugged, ''If that was Liam and Louis than they would have just yelled through the door, maybe it's your ex.'' I felt somewhat happy to hear that it might be Nick on the other side of the door but than i frowned seeing that Niall was also frowning. 

''Nialler? Even if it is Nick, i'm so done with him. He's cheating on me and he's not going to get away with it. I don't want to be with anyone that's going to be cheating while i'm at home making him dinner or waiting for him in bed. So don't worry about anything but being here for me.'' Kissing the top of his head, the knock became even louder causing me to roll me eyes. ''I'M COMING!'' I yelled while hearing niall curse under his breath. 

''People need to be more fucking patient before i slit their fucking throats.'' He said it loud enough in order for the person behind the door to heat, he's always doing shit like this on purpose in order for people to back off. Rolling my eyes, i made my way towards the door while unlocking the thing and slowly pulling it open....But this wasn't nick or the other two lads that had left. This was a man, a man i have never seen in my life. I took in his figure, he's tall, eyes that glow, black thick hair, and of course he's pulling the wolverine facial hair which makes him look sexy. ''Who's at the door baby?'' I snapped my head towards niall while shrugging and looking back at the man. 

''Um...Yes? How may i help you?'' He just stared at me with those gorgeous honey colored eyes while licking over his lips. I watched as he started shivering from the cold and the rain that was coming down even harder. Finally realizing that i was having this man stand out in the cold, i cleared my throat from the saliva and put a smile on my face. ''Oh um, it's a bit cold outside sir, so why don't you come in and we can get you all warmed up yeah?'' 

''Why thank you, but are you sure? I was just looking for my dog skippy around these god awful scary woods until i found this nice looking cabin.'' Oh my god, his voice was like heaven......If i even knew what heaven sounded like. 

''Awe i'm so sorry, come on in and maybe when my mates come back with food and drinks than we can all go out and look for your dog. What's he look like?'' I walked him to the kitchen while pulling out a water bottle and handing it to him, he gladly took it with a hint of happiness in his eyes. Wow he was sure one of the prettiest men i have ever seen in my life, i wonder if he's single or if he's even into men like me? 

''Well he's small and brown, he's got blue eyes and long poofy ears. Sorry to be a burden to you guys. I kind of heard your boyfriend in the other room being rude and i just didn't want to stand out there if he didn't want company.'' He shrugged while looking down at the bottle water i have given him

''Harry who was at the doo- Oh? Who are you?'' I looked over at niall who was now leaning against the door frame while glaring at the man who lost his poor puppy. ''Harry you do know we don't allow strangers in the house without everyone here, right?'' I started laughing while shaking my head. 

''Forget about him sir, but what's your name and what were you doing with your dog out in the woods anyways?'' I sat down next to the man while watching niall roll his big blue eyes and take the seat next to mine which just caused me to sit in the middle of them. Which i didn't have a problem with that at all.

''Well my names Zayn and i was actually walking my dog just an hour ago but he broke free from the leash and ran off into the woods. Which i had to chase after him, he's my baby you know? But anyways, i'm still sorry that i'm bugging you lads. I didn't mean to be such a nag but i'll leave soon.'' I put my hand on his shoulder while offering him a big dimpled smile. 

''No no no mate, just stay for awhile. My mates should be coming soon and i'll make some warm food, so just please stay for dinner and we'll all go out and look for poor skippy. But for now just tell us more about yourself, you seem like someone that shouldn't be out alone.'' I had my elbow holding me up while my chin was placed on my hand, just letting all my weight force down on my elbow that was placed on the table. 

''Oh, well ok than.......I live just a few blocks away from this place, i'm taking care of my sick mum and i live in a house that is literally breaking down. I work by chopping wood and trying to sell it which the business doesn't really work out since people around here don't come around often. I hunt for food sometimes, but that's because i don't have enough money to buy myself nor my mum so we just hunt for animals.'' He drank from the water as he looked into my eyes. ''Your eyes, their really nice by the way.'' He smirked while looking passed me and at niall who was still glaring at him.

''Well to bad he's taken so stop flirting with him mate, besides....Shouldn't you be home taking care of your mum then instead of looking for some dog that could possibly be dead? Or maybe you killed him cause you had no food.'' I gaped at niall while looking at the boy who was being so rude to this poor man. 

''NIALL! OTHER ROOM RIGHT NOW!'' I yelled while getting up and excusing myself from the kitchen along with niall who only chuckled and waved his hand at zayn. ''What the hell is your problem Niall? Why are you being so mean to our guest?'' I crossed my arms over my chest while looking down at the pale irish lad who just looked at the fire with no emotion what's so ever on his face. 

''I don't like him Hazza, he's flirting with you and he's probably lying about half the shit he's saying just to make you feel bad for him. Which knowing you.......It actually works. You don't even know him and your letting him into out cabin without even checking if he's got a weapon on him. I don't want you hurt but yet your here trying to get to know all these weird strangers that you have never seen in your damn life, just be careful. I'm going to stick by your side when he's around, i don't trust him and i know that he know's i'm onto him. The man doesn't look stupid at all, so just be aware.'' I bit my lip taking in every word niall was throwing at me. 

''Nialler, please just behave yourself yeah? I care about you and even though he's flirting, that doesn't mean i'm going to leave you for him. And besides who said we were together?'' I started smirking only to watch as his pale cheeks turn pink within seconds. 

''Let's just get back to the kitchen before he steals something ok?'' without another word, he was already walking off and into the kitchen just to sit back in the same spot he was seated in. Well time to get to know this guy that way i at least know a way to help him out a little. Maybe giving him money. 

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