Chapter 11

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Liam and Lou got back from their little trip to the store with a whole bunch of candles and food, let me just say they bought nothing but junk food so i guess this means we aren't having a regular healthy dinner. I had already introduced them to Zayn who was really quiet and he did look as if he wanted to leave but than again he's right here sitting next to me on the couch while Liam tells his story about not drinking much. I couldn't help but look to my other side just to see Niall looking down at his phone with a frown on his face. 

''What's wrong Nialler? You were just laughing minutes ago, now your all frowny. What's on your mind love?'' I wrapped my arm around his shoulder while bringing him closer just to make sure if he needed to cry than he has a shoulder to cry on. Everyone fell silent as i started blushing, i hated attention on me sometimes, just makes me feel really uncomfortable when i'm trying to help someone through their little or big problems. 

''Nothing important but i'm going to your room real quick. Need to make a quick call before my phone dies and i don't want to be waiting on this either. Need to put someone in their place if you know what i mean.'' He started chuckling but it sounded so fake, i watched him get up and looked down at me with a smile on his face. Leaning in, he pecked my cheek and skipped off to my room. 

''Well.....that was weird, he's been acting different ever since last night. Maybe he's just happy to finally be out of that damn school and somewhere in the woods were we can just smoke out lives away. Hey you smoke zayn?'' I listened to Lou ramble on and on about smoking and fucking people. I don't know....But why does he talk about having sex with other people when he has Liam sitting right by his side? Doesn't he get mad? Or are they just fuck buddies and nothing more?

''Oh no, i don't smoke. Never have, it's really bad for you. I at least want to live longer other, but if your talking about weed than no. I'm just a happy, healthy man looking for his dog and taking care of his sick mum.'' I felt really bad for the lad, i mean he's been through so much. He's told us all about his life and how he ended up living down here. I guess he got kicked out by his dad, well him and his mum, i guess he kicked them out because he didn't love then anymore. Than his mum getting cancer and a tumor that was growing on her poor little heart, his sisters dying in a car accident, his dog running away, and he even said he only had a few ribs that weren't broken. 

''That's good mate, but unlike some people here....They think they need to smoke to look all cool and shit.'' Liam was now the one to jump in and look straight at Lou who was looking down at his bare feet, which may i say........Stunk really bad at the moment. ''And sorry about my boy here, he doesn't like wearing socks with his shoes even though he's a big boy and should know that he needs to start wearing some.'' I started chuckling just the thought of Louis not wearing them again makes me scrunch my nose. ''He use to wear them when he started getting of age......But he thinks just because we're out in the woods, that he needs to stop wearing them.'' 

''Hey i just want to be a free bird so fuck off.'' I looked over at Zayn who was already looking at me with a smirk on his face, ok that's kind of creepy. Snapping my fingers in front of him, but he wasn't even blinking. ''Um.....Haz? Is he ok or something, he's kind of scaring me. And i don't do good with scary things.'' Looking at Louis, i shrugged my shoulders while licking over my lips just to bring back the attention of the staring man. But he wouldn't even blink, snapping my fingers in front of his face again. But nothing, i started scooting away from him as i looked over at Louis and liam who were biting down on their lips.....Well Louis was trying his hardest not to laugh. 

''Zayn? Are you hungry? I could go get you something to snack on?'' I watched as he licked his lips while trailing his eyes down to my neck than lower, and lower.....My eyes widening, i jumped off the couch and tripped over my own foot. Falling straight on my arse, i could hear laughter through out the living, well only two people laughing since Zayn here is just giving me the hungry eyes. 

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